you dislocate your shoulder (requested)

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"Hey, Y/N," One of your teammates spoke. "Look who's in the stands."

You turned your attention away from one of your other teammates, whom you had been chatting with, and looked over at the stands to find your girlfriend sitting in the front.

A big smile pulled at your lips as you watched her bite her lip and hold up a sign she'd made for you to cheer you on.

You blew her a kiss and she happily caught it in her hand.

"Good luck, baby!" She spoke before winking at you, causing your cheeks to heat up.

"You're so lucky to have such a sweet and supportive girlfriend!" Your teammate said as she hugged your side.

You laughed happily before pulling away.

"Okay, okay. We start soon. This game is huge so let's go out there and do our best." You said encouragingly, feeling your heart pound with excitement about playing tonight.

You've always had a huge love and passion for soccer, knowing from a young age that it was what you were meant to do with your life.

Even after all these years of playing, you're still just as in love with the sport as you've ever been and you're so excited to play tonight.

It's a huge game as you're going up against one of the biggest teams but you're not all that nervous because you know how good you and your teammates are.

Plus, with Reneé in the stands to cheer you on, you know you'll do good.

You did a little more stretching and preparing before taking your spot.

Looking over at your girlfriend, she sent you a supportive smile and nodded at you.

"You're going to do great!" She mouthed proudly.

You took a deep breath and then, finally, the game began.

It didn't take long for your team to score several points and quickly take a strong lead.

The fans in the stands were loud as they cheered you all on.

Your heart was pounding in your ears and adrenaline coursed through your veins as you and your teammates got goal after goal, your lead becoming stronger and harder to catch up to.

But just when it was all going well, disaster struck.

You were tackled to the ground by someone from the opposite team and upon hitting the ground, you felt an extreme and intense pain in your shoulder.

It was so bad it caused you to scream out at the top of your lungs.

You saw a sea of people hurrying over to you from your teammates and friends to your coach and, to no surprise, your very concerned girlfriend.

She had jumped from the stands and hurried over to you as soon as she saw you hit the ground with such force and she quickly knelt on the ground beside you before taking your hand.

"What happened?" She asked everyone around you.

"My shoulder hurts." You groaned. "It hurts so bad."

"I think it's dislocated!" One of your teammates said as they looked at the others in fear and worry.

"No, please, don't touch it!" You begged as one of your other teammates went to check it.

"She needs to go to the hospital."

You sat up, taking deep but uneven breaths as sweat poured down your skin.

"I can't! We have a game to finish."

"The game isn't nearly as important as your health and safety, Y/N." Another one of your teammates said.

"Now is not the time to be stubborn. We know how much this game means to you but there'll be others. Please, just go to the hospital." They pleaded with you.

"Baby, it looks bad," Reneé said as she gently cupped your cheek in her hand. "It's visibly out of place and you're in a ton of pain. It's only going to get worse. We have to go to the hospital."

You sniffled as tears filled your eyes, both from the extreme pain and from the sadness you felt of not being able to finish the game.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled to your teammates.

"Don't be. Y/N, we know how much you love soccer and we know how good you are. But you come first. We have so many games coming up, the sooner you get checked out, the sooner you can join us again. You didn't let anyone down. Get your shoulder fixed."

"And when your shoulder is all better, we're going to give you so many hugs!" Your teammates smiled.

"It's okay, baby. You did such a great job. You have nothing to be sorry for. Injuries happen. We have to get you feeling better and out of pain. Okay?" Reneé spoke softly, her touch along your cheek delicate and gentle.

"Okay." You agreed.

"Come on, we've got you." She said as she and one of your friends helped you up.

Helping you to the car, she buckled you in as you tried to deal with the pain but it was so bad you were almost unable to breathe.

"Promise that you'll stay by my side when they have to put it back in place. It hurts so bad. I don't want to go through it without you by my side." You told Reneé as you clenched your teeth and groaned from the pain.

"I promise, my love." She said as she started the car. "I'm not going anywhere, not ever. I won't leave you alone. Whatever they have to do tonight, I'll be right there with you the entire time, holding your hand tight."

She kissed your head softly.

"Everything's going to be okay. We're going to get you feeling better soon. It's alright." She whispered as she pulled out of the parking lot and sped off to the hospital, hoping you'd be out of pain and feeling much better in no time.

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