first kiss

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"Have you had fun tonight?" Reneé asked as you walked across the sandy shore together.

"Are you kidding? This has been the best date I've ever been on." You said and watched a smile pull at her lips.

You and Reneé have been close friends for quite some time now.

But it was just a couple of days ago that you confessed your feelings for each other.

She asked you to be her girlfriend that same evening and now, you're on your very first date together.

It started with a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant with some good conversation and now, you're walking along the beach under the moonlight together.

It's all so romantic and it's only making you fall for Reneé even harder.

"It's so peaceful here." You said as you squeezed Reneé's hand. "So romantic."

"It is." She said as she looked up at the sky, staring at the stars.

You stopped walking so you could do the same, finding comfort in the beauty of it all.

When you looked back down, Reneé was standing right in front of you, so close that her lips were just inches away from yours.

Your heart started racing as you realized that she was close enough that you could share your first kiss; something you'd imagined doing with her for a long while.

"Y/N," She said, breath hitching in her throat. "Can I kiss you?"

It was just like her to ask for your permission before she'd lean in to steal a kiss from your lips, though she was dying to do so.

"Yes." You breathlessly replied and your heart started to beat faster and harder against your chest as she leaned in closer and closer.

Until, finally, her lips hit yours.

It felt so perfect.

Her lips were just as soft as you dreamt of them being and the kiss was, somehow, even more romantic than you thought it could ever be.

She gently laid her hand on your cheek to cup it with her palm, brushing soft circles across your skin with her thumb.

The kiss didn't last too long as she pulled away shortly after to take a breath of air into her lungs.

But it didn't stop there.

She leaned right back in and put her lips on yours again and her heart melted in her chest upon feeling you smile against her lips.

"You're perfect." She whispered against your lips.

"You are." You said back to her as she put her forehead on yours. "So was that kiss."

She chuckled and continued to brush her thumb across your cheek.

"Best kiss ever." She said.

You nodded in agreement before saying,

"Kiss me again."

And she didn't hesitate to do just that.

She put her lips back on yours while you put your arms around her to pull her closer, finding yourself loving each sweet kiss more than the last.

And with the night still being young, you knew that it was still the first of many romantic kisses that you'd share.

Reneé Rapp Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now