what to do whenyour boyfriend is a serial killer (5)

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Word count: 18285
Chapters: 7

Jeremy couldn't believe the amount of pain that he was in. He had never experienced anything like it before. It felt as though his insides were on fire, and his physical wounds only added to the pain. Not once had Jeremy even come close to feeling as he did at that moment.

Burnie walked around Jeremy, simply admiring the work Jon had done on him. He smirked.

"Well, you two have been so well behaved that you deserve a prize! You'll both be left alone in here until our prey arrives. Enjoy the last of your life, Jeremy!" Burnie cackled, walking out of the room and locking the door.

Jeremy heard Ray shuffling around, but couldn't find the strength to hold his head up. He winced when he felt a hand grab his chin, but was surprised to see Ray standing in front of him.

"How..." Jeremy choked out, but he couldn't finish his question as he began a coughing fit. Ray answered when he calmed down.

"You were a little, uh, preoccupied to notice, but someone came in here and slipped me a bobby pin. The Fakes do have some friends within the Roosters, so we do have some help here."

Jeremy only blinked in response, as it was the only thing that didn't cause him any pain.

"Kerry is his name, and he worked close with Miles. Based on his predictions, the shit he gave you should wear off any time now, and your wounds should heal. Hopefully we'll be gone before you can get another dose. Now, let's get you out of these chains, yeah?" Ray said, picking the locks that restrained Jeremy. Once his locks were free, Ray lifted him up and quickly slapped a hand over Jeremy's mouth, stifling the pained yelp that escaped him.

"Sorry about that, dude. You are probably in a lot more pain than you're used to." Ray mumbled. "Come on, let's go. I need you to try and stay quiet, okay? I know you're in pain, but we have to be silent if we want to make it out alive."

Jeremy coughed in response, and Ray began to free him. Once he was finished, he tried to lift Jeremy up. The shorter man let out a pained cry.

"I'm sorry, dude. I'll try and be gentle. Just do your best to keep quiet." Ray mumbled. Jeremy grunted quietly in response, and the two men soon found themselves sneaking around the hallways. Jeremy found that the pain he was feeling was slowly disappearing, when he suddenly couldn't feel any pain at all.

"See, told you. The shit they gave you wore off, so you're good now." Ray whispered, sounding relieved. Jeremy let go of the shorter man, Ray handing him a shirt he grabbed from the room, and he looked at his hands and arms with wide eyes.

All of his wounds were gone. Every single one. He could see past his torn and bloody shirt and see that his chest had healed as well. The only evidence of his previous torture were scars.

"Great, I can walk on my own now. How do we get out of here?" Jeremy asked, putting the shirt on. Ray pointed down the hall.

"There's a security camera right around that corner. If we can take it out, we should be able to get to Kerry's office. He can help us from there," Ray explained, "you wouldn't happen to have a power that allows you to somehow destroy the camera, would you?"

"Power?" Jeremy questioned.

"I keep forgetting that you're new to this whole immortal thing." Ray shook his head fondly. "For whatever reason, you guys have a special power alone with your immortality. It's unique to the 5-well, 6 of you."

"Even Ryan?"

"He can basically turn his body into flames."

"I always wondered how he managed to burn my strawberry bush." Jeremy groaned. He really couldn't go a single day without learning a life changing secret about his boyfriend, could he. "So, how do we figure out what I can do?"

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