chapter forty-nine

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Chapter 49

Henrik Mikaelson and Davina Claire recounted the same story for the third time to their family. Bonnie sighed, leaning back against the couch as she put her head in her head. The rest of the family exhaled deeply, their mornings clearly being affected by this unwavering news.

"Of course, the second we say goodbye to Kol, Elyza, and Rebekah, we catch wind of yet another threat against us," Mina groaned, standing up and walking to the bar area in the kitchen. After pouring herself a shot of Tequila, she downed it in one go. "If only we hadn't supported their decision to abandon us."

Marcel groaned, being able to clearly identify when his family was about to start, once again, bickering. "This only proves our point. We need to go ahead and start racking up allies. I'm still the king of the vampires. They listen to me."

"And everyone else?" Bonnie asked. "The wolves? Or more importantly, the witches? I could've sworn I put them down once. Yet they come for us again!" The glass coffee table rumbled and shattered as Bonnie stood, anger evident on her face. "How many of them do I need to kill for them to stop coming for us?"

"Woah, there tiger," Marcel soothed. He hadn't been here during the birth of baby Alixandra, but the state of the Compound told him just how powerful Bonnie's magic truly was. "Let's all just take a breather. With the boundary spell over the house, we should be good until we can figure out just who this witch is."

"Only thing is, we don't know what she looks like," Mina expressed. "Blonde hair and torn clothes aren't the most descriptive of descriptions."

Davina stood up. "And if I can draw her? I'm crazy good at art; I can do it."

"Good," Mina nodded. "And I'm going to find this Isabel. Make sure she's okay after that."

"I'll join," Elijah announced. When he saw Mina start to argue, he held up his hand. "If there is a threat in this city, I am not allowing you to go anywhere alone."

"Where Klaus?" Marcel asked. He was sort of talking to everyone, but his eyes remained fixed on Bonnie. "As the only half-wolf present, don't you guys think that he should go make peace with Hayley's pack?"

"Yeah," Bonnie replied, her frustration not disappearing. "He's upstairs with Alixandra. I'll go talk to him."

"Actually," Marcel stepped closer to the Bennett witch. "I think I should. Do you mind?"

"Absolutely not," Bonnie sighed, sitting back down. "If you want to go try to deal with... that. Go for it."




"Klaus?" Marcel called, knocking against the wooden door. When he heard a faint "come in", he entered the room, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk."

"I'm holding a small child, Marcellus," Klaus informed him angrily. "I do not have time to argue with you."

"I'm not trying to argue, Klaus," Marcel revealed, taking a seat on the couch near the foot of the bed. He looked around the room, seeing diaper boxes everywhere and baby clothes covering the floor. "I'm just trying to talk."

Placing sleeping Alixandra back in her bassinet, Klaus turned around. "About what, Marcellus? Are you, too, deciding to leave me?"

"What? No!" Marcel announced. "I just want you to trust me. You said that I'm a member of this family yet you don't let me fight, I can't give my own... ward permission to hang out with friends, and if I try to talk to you about it, you give me that same bullshit about me being your son."

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