Part 17

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Dawn cast a golden hue over the day, one filled with intention. Kou rose with the sun, her heart set on a purpose that made her steps brisk and her mind clear. She arrived at the poolside just as Makoto was trimming the grass, Haruka was painting the wall with a distant look in his eyes, and Nagisa was waging war against the weeds, the sounds of his efforts breaking the morning's stillness.

Laying down her bag of snacks, Kou knelt down and watched Haruka work. There was a certain grace in his movements, even in such a mundane task. His back tensed, an unspoken acknowledgment of her presence, before he continued with his strokes of paint. She turned to Makoto, her curiosity piqued, "Why didn't you guys start the club in the first year?" His reply held the weight of unshared stories and understanding among close friends. "Haru stopped swimming competitively at the end of our first middle school year," he said.

"Why?" she prodded gently.

Makoto shook his head, a mixture of respect and sadness in his eyes. "He didn't tell. We'll listen when he wants to tell." It was an answer that spoke volumes of their friendship, of space given, and support unwavering.

Memories of her father's death, her brother's pain, and the palpable loss that hung over her family filled her thoughts. A resolve formed within Kou, solid and undeniable. Almost in Makoto's face, she declared with determination, "I'll be your 4th member. If there's anything I can do to help make sure my brother swims again and is happy, I will. You guys are the only ones who can set that right. I'll be your club's manager."Makoto's surprise was evident, "Really?"

She nodded, a firm yes etched in her expression. Nagisa, ever eager, called out, "What happened?" Upon learning the news, his shout was one of excitement, and Makoto relayed that Kou would join as the club's manager. A secret smile crept onto Haru's face, unnoticed by all.

As the evening descended and fatigue settled on their shoulders, Kou stretched out on Ama-chan sensei's chair, lamenting her aching back. They regarded her with endearing glances before announcing their departure. "Yes, head on," she replied languidly.

No more than a quarter-hour had passed when the rain began, a sudden downpour that startled her. Before she could react, the sanctuary of an umbrella appeared above her. She looked up to find Haruka, his gaze fixed elsewhere, offering a simple yet poignant admonishment, "Baka, you'll catch a cold. Let's go; I'll drop you home."

Grateful, Kou smiled shyly, her heart seizing the chance to be near him, and nodded. Their walk to the station was a quiet one, a silence filled with unsaid words and glances. Then, emboldened by the moment, she reached for his hand. Haru, taken aback, didn't pull away, his eyes averted, accepting her touch.

The train station bustled with late-hour crowds seeking shelter from the rain. Inside the crowded train, Kou struggled to maintain her balance, stumbling into fellow passengers and Haru with each jostling movement. Exasperated, Haru maneuvered her in front of him, boxing her safely against the train door, his gaze firmly on the view outside.

Kou, seizing the opportunity, wrapped her arms around him beneath his school jacket, holding him as if her life depended on it. Haru, now accustomed to her displays of affection, rested his head atop hers, her fresh lavender scent soothing amidst the chaos.

Together, they stood, Haru peering through the rain-splattered window, wondering if the deluge would relent in time for him to make it home dry.

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