Tele-Journey Part 1

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"Dad, why must we use aircraft to go to another country?" Asked James.

"It's not like aircraft is the only option to travel around the world, it's just faster than other vehicles." His father answered him.

One day, I'm going to create a device that will teleport me anywhere in an instant!" James exclaimed.

"Alright Professor James, it's time for you to sleep." His father told him to sleep.
"Goodnight, dad."

"Goodnight, son." His father replied and left his room.

After a few minutes his father left his room, James sneaked out of his room and knocked on his sister's door.

"Carol! Wake up! I want to show you something!" James whispered but a little bit loud.
"Quiet idiot! Dad's going to hear us!!"Carol shushed him.

Then, they sneaked to the basement without alarming their father. James took something out from a box. A small device, he said it was his teleportation device model.

"One day, I'm going to make it function!" Cried James.

"You wake me up just to show me this? Definitely wasting my time!" Carol exclaimed. "Wait! It's fifteen-percent done okay?" James said.

"Show me then." Carol grinned.
James started to push the device power button and other switches .The device started flickering an electric current and making a lot of noise.

"Alright...Alright I trust you, now shut it down! Dad's going to hear us!" Carol panicked.
"I'm trying okay?!"James tried to shut the device.
He pushed all the buttons but nothing worked. The device kept buzzing and the lightbulbs in the basement started flickering too.

"James, get that thing off!" Carol ordered him to get away from the device.
The device exploded and caused the whole town to lose electricity .The basement was a mess. It was dark and dusty .Then, their father rushed to the basement with a flashlight.


The next morning, a police officer came to their house to investigate. Luckily, nothing bad happened to them. They were warned to not do any unusual activity. Their father was relieved.

Four years later, "KRINGGG!!...."The school bell started ringing showing that the class was over.
"Hey guys ,so who's going to team up with me for the Science Fair this Friday?" James asked his classmates.

"Sorry, we already made one." They declined. James asked the others and they still turned him down.
"Ahh...I guess I'm all by myself again." James sighed.

"What's up nerdy? Looking for teammates?" A boy in a red sweater approached James. James was puzzled.

"Yes, I am looking for one, why do you ask?" James tried to keep the conversation going.
"I'm Luke...Morino, I'm in the same Biology class with you." Luke explained.
" Really?! I didn't recognise you before."James was confused.

"Probably because I barely attend the class." Luke replied.

"Since you're the only one without a team I'll join you." He added.
James became lively again .He thought he was going to do his project alone.

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