Tele-Journey Part 8

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As evening  came by, Carol went to the well house  and  knocked on the door. She heard footsteps coming. The door was opened and Steve was there.

"Looking for something, Missy?" He asked.

"I'm looking for a guy named Jerome." She said steadily.

Steve was looking puzzled. He thought Jerome might know her so he brought her in. Then, he called for Jerome who was upstairs. After a few moments, Jerome came down, looking confuse after seeing the girl. He stood facing her and said,

"We have never met before,do we?"

"I was told that you could bring people into Xsandiora." She said, straight to her point.

Jerome sighed, he took a seat in front of her.

"First of all, who told you that I can do that?" He tried to deceive her, "I don't do such things and I have never even been there." 

"You're lying."

"How are you so certain?"

"I met a guy at the cafe and he told me you can get people there."

"What was his name?"

"I heard people call him Simon, I guess that's his name."

Jerome sighed even harder, with his hand covering his face. 

"That son of a gun..."

"So, you actually can do it?"

Jerome went silent for a moment before answering that question of her. He doesn't want to deal with trivial matters such as this. As he thought things through, trivial matters like this might cause him bigger trouble in the future. He reached a gun that was hidden behind his back. Suddenly, James got himself out of the lab.

"Carol?" He was shocked.

Carol turned her face away from Jerome and saw James, "Is that really you,James?" She was shocked too. Her hand was covering her mouth. Her eyes began to shatter. She stood and James walked towards her, closer and closer. Tears were rolling down his eyes. They hugged each other in tears.

"I t-thought I'll n-never meet you anymore..." James  sobbed.

"Are  you insane? You're dead James! I thought I lost you, but you're here..." She cried, "They couldn't find your body... and Dad..." She couldn't continue to say it. She cried even harder. That was the first time Carol ever cried so hard. She couldn't take it anymore. However, she was relieved after she found out that his brother is alive.

"I don't wanna ruin the mood or anything, but this is your sister, James?!" Steve asked in confusion.

Jerome who was confused became speechless after the event. They waited until the siblings settled down to talk things out.

"So, to be clear, you walked from Zsantos to Xsavion all by yourself? To find your brother?" Jerome asked.

"Not really, I first went to the west border of Zsantos to get to Xsandiora, but the guards didn't allow people to get through."

"Obvious." Steve nodded.

"And then I went back and took a bus to the City. Asked around some people until a guy told me that Xsavion may have an entrance."

"Do you realized how dangerous that is, Carol?" James was worried.

"To be frank, I wasn't looking for you James. I was trying to accept the fact that I lost everyone. After that damn professor killed our father I realized why some people were rebelling the higher ups. I wanted revenge."

"You mean Allen? Professor Allen?" James didn't believed what he just heard.

"Yes, James. It was him, he killed our father! Right before my eyes!"

"No way." James was stunned.

After he heard what his sister just said, his hatred towards the professor looms larger.  All of a sudden, Luke entered the house through front door.

"I'm back." He said.

Carol stared at him, intensely. She was frozen, couldn't shake her gaze towards Luke, she was stunned. James realized it and called for her. His voice was echoing inside her head. Luke wasn't surprised at first, but as he looked closer he kind of  recognized the girl.

"Wait a minute... You're that girl from the alley!" Luke was surprised.

At that moment, Carol blushed.

"You're that guy?" Carol didn't recognize the guy that saved her that night.

It was the first time James ever witnessed his sister in that state in front of a guy.

"Carol are you alright? You suddenly acting strange."

"I'm de-finitely fine."

"You know him?" James asked.

"Wait, I'm asking first, You know her, James?" Luke asked first.

"She's my sister."

Luke freaked out when he heard that.

"You're James sister?!"

Carol turned red all over her face, but she tried to stay calm.

"That's enough, we'll discuss our next mission now." Jerome said.

"Mission?" Carol was puzzled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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