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It had been a very long day for Chan. First he's late for work, second he finds out he had been put on an overtime shift at a convenience store he works at, and third to make his whole day terrible his own girlfriend of 5 years had dumped him for his best friend. 

They had gone out for lunch together, just at a small family owned cafe. Chan loved the calm soothing atmosphere around so he regularly came by. 

Originally they had planned for it only to be the two of them on a little romantic lunch date, in the end they ended up having a little tag-along. Her little brother Seungmin had to come with, She had said it was because her parents made her bring him. 

Chan really didn't mind Seungmin much, yeah he made many many jokes about his "old" age but he was at least tolerable. To Chan the younger brunette had reminded him of a puppy, he trailed behind his older sister looking around at the various stores in the area. Possibly scouting out a place to shop later. 

Once they got to the small cafe Chan and Seungmin went up and ordered stuff as his girlfriend went to find a table. After they take their orders the two sit there and wait in a silence for a while, Seungmin being the first to pipe up. "So...how's your work going?" 

"Please, we both know that you don't care about work. But its fine, the same as always" 

"Hey you can't blame me for wanting to start some small talk, old man" 

Chan rolled his eyes at the name and looked over at Seungmin for a moment, his mind just couldn't keep off the fact that the petite build of the younger was dressed in quite cheap clothes. Usually the brunette is wearing designer clothes, and every outfit the puppy-like boy always wears is somewhat stylish. 

It was weird seeing Seungmin in a teal t-shirt with some khaki shorts accompanied by a pair of plain black and white converse, it was really different compared to the silk shirts and long tight fitted dress pants. Yes the younger was unreasonably wealthy so he had all rights to dress like it, it was just the fact that he was wearing something other than what Chan was used to seeing. 

"Are you okay?" Chan asked, taking a small step closer to Seungmin. "Yeah? Why?" 

"Your not wearing your fancy clothes today, you usually are wearing clothes to show off your wealth" Seungmin gave a giggle and nudged Chan in the arm. "Your observant! But yeah i'm good, just woke up this morning and didn't feel like dressing up much" 

Their conversation stopped there for the employee gave them their drinks and Seungmins and his sisters cinnamon roll. Quickly they made their way over to the table, Chan sat next to his girlfriend while Seungmin sat across from the older male. "Here's your drink and cinnamon roll kyla" Seungmin said while handing his sister her stuff. She gave a smile then looked back down at her phone. 

She was always on her phone nowadays, no matter what they were doing. She would be on her phone while Chan tried to talk to her, she would be on her phone everywhere around Chan. and the conversations that they did have were short and rushed. It pissed Chan off. 

At this point he knows more of what Seungmin does than her and he only sees the younger Brunette once a week, she doesn't tell him anything. She'll just get up and leave without saying anything, not even a goodbye. Yet Seungmin has a problem with his chattering mouth. He can't physically leave a room without making it known, that always made Chan smile though. 

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