Chapter 1

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     Aizawa decided to go on patrol. He had this feeling that if he didn't, he would miss out on something he did not want to miss out on. Which was absolutely ludicrous, what could be so exciting that it would change his life? Nothing, really. All that he would ever see out here is a low class villain- maybe even a member of the league.
     He knew that the ladder was impossible, the league was way too careful for that. Also, he wasn't lucky enough to randomly find a member of the damn league of villains on an unimportant night.
     So then.. why was he out here? Why had it felt like the streets were practically screaming at him to get out there. To go see what was out there.
     He already knew everything that was out there, so that was stupid. He knew every twist and turned to this stupid city, why was he acting like he didn't?
     Aizawa sighed, sitting in an almost Spider-Man-like pose as he stared at the empty streets below.
     What the fuck is up with me?
     He felt like he needed to be looking for someone. Like he was so close to finding someone.
     Suddenly, he knew.

     Dabi was following a man into an alleyway. Not a good idea, but he wasn't scared at all. He knew he could burn the shit out of this man if he turned a knife on him.
     When the man stopped and reached for his pocket, Dabi just watched. Dabi just stared blankly as the man pulled out a blade, turning with a yell.
     And just like that, everything was hot.
     Blue filled Dabi's vision, and he heard the man's screams as he was burnt to death. When he heard the body drop, he finally let the flames disperse. He stared at the blackened corpse, the melted knife. Before he could move, before he could walk away, he felt something on his arm, neck, and legs.
     "Don't move."
     Dabi looked over his shoulder, fire beginning to start up again.
     But as he looked into those red glowing eyes through yellow goggles, it stopped. Everything stopped. He froze completely, not acting against the capture scarf.
     Aizawa tightened his grip on the scarf, narrowing his eyes through the yellow goggles. "You had enough, Dabi?" Dabi just stared in silence, his expression one that Aizawa couldn't read. "I'm gonna escort you to the police station." He gently loosened his grip on the scarf, hair falling back down as he blinked rapidly.
     "Do it again."
     Aizawa paused, confused. "What?"
     Dabi scowled at him. "Your fucking quirk! Do it again! I-" The boy paused. "-I'm always burning. It's the first time I've ever..." He looked at Aizawa with an almost desperate look. "Do it again!"
     Aizawa fully let go of the scarf. "Kid.."
     "Make it stop again."
     Aizawa just stared, unsure of what to do. After a few moments of silence, Dabi spoke again.
     "Eraserhead. Don't make me beg."
     Aizawa hesitated, but then his quirk activated again. The relief on Dabi's face made Aizawa's heart melt. He shook his head. Stop it, Aizawa. Look what he did, there is a corpse at his feet. Don't feel bad for him.
     But, as he watched Dabi lift his hands to look at his palms, smiling slightly, those thoughts were walled off.
     Aizawa knew that he needed to do something.
     He didn't want to turn the young man in, not like this. He couldn't see the man as a murderer, especially when he just looked like a person. Like a person with feelings, a person who could smile if they had the chance.
     And so, he released the grip that the scarf had on Dabi, not deactivating his quirk as he stared at Dabi with the most emotionless expression he could currently wear.
     "Follow me."

HELLO BITCHES, BROS, AND NON BINARY HOES!! I hope you enjoyed chapter one, although it was SUPER short. Im sorry, I'm so bad about that it's not even funny. Make sure to stay healthy, love you all!! 😘

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