Dear Lord

19 3 1

Jasper,how in the blue hell did that fine piece of ass know your na-"Bitch stop zoning out,im trying to communicate with you and you keep fucking zoning and ontop of that you now have me cussing!" Sarah said,looking a little crazy and slightly breathless

"Literally calm down for me real quick and let a boy dream kay?sheesh,its not bad enough i have to listen to the fucking hobbit try to explain math at the ass crack of dawn,now you want me to acctually pay attention,literally what the fuck" i said wagging my index finger at her
Sheesh,someone is bitchy today,and the Lord knows she isnt on her period,because for some unknown reason she's the only bitch that becomes a nice person on her motherfuckin period,maby we should g-

-"And there you go again,dear lord boy Mrs Shortlegs over there is going to come up here and smack you if you wonder off like that again,and what i was trying to say before you zoned out" she looks at me blankly "was that we should go back to The Pit this weekend,i need to let loose a lil"

"THEN Y'ALL ARE TAKING ME WITH YOU" comes screeched from the back of the classroom from where Desmonia sat grabbing the entire class' attention and getting the hobbit focused on her,or atleast somewhere near her neck,this woman was short as shit.

"How the fuck did she hear that" i say to Sarah

"Its because she's coloured,must be the rich white girl in her,you mention a club and those bitches will hear about it" Sarah replied while writing,which i wasnt doing

Math really wasnt my subject,like,at all.Art was by far one of my favorite subjects,and not only because you could con the "straight" rugby boys into posing in the nude for you for "art" purposes. Now dont even catch that tone with me,because of you could,you would.

"Jaz,are you ever going to work in this class,or are you just going to keep checking your hair?" David said from the other side of me,he's our human giraffe,which is extreamly weird,as both his parents are hella short.

"Now listen here David,firstly,dont get all up in my face with that 'you have to work' bullshit,because i will stab you,and you know i will,and secondly,does my hair look okay because its feeling a little flat"

"Well um,your hair is fine,and carry on,ill just,um,yeah" he said looking a little nervewrecked,you'd think that he'd be used to my outbursts after 4 years,but no,not yet.

"Stop harrasing Davi-" Sarah started to say just as the bell rang for the end of math,thankfully i had Afrikaans with Desmonia next,so a total off period as our teacher never pitched up for class

"Thank God,Bilbo's drowning was driving me insaine,see ya later bitch" i say to Sarah as Desmonia and I make our way to afrikaans and further planing for our next excursion to The Pit where i'll hopefully get to see Mr-tall-dark-and-bang-me

Hey guys
Jeth here,sorry this chap was a short one,but our school decided to give us winterschool,so i have biology homework
Ill be uploading another one tomorrow though

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