The beginning

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Lunas POV: I walked the halls of the castle loving how it looked at night I had came across my sister rooms and tensed feeling a bit of unease I peaked through her door ,and she looked pissed. Her hair was everywhere her eyes blood shot red and her room messy which wasn't normal she loved when her room was clean. I don't know what it was but this wasn't my sister she was different not usual anger it was rage I saw in her eyes. I back away nervously ,and knew right then something was wrong. I had to get to twilight face just as I was about to run I knew it would alert her of my presence I gently flapped my wings as I flew out the halls quietly before getting out the castle ,and running through the forest straight to twilights not even thinking to see if she had saw me....

Celestial POV: I was in rage i didn't know what it was but I hated seeing my sister get power I hated it. The way pony looked up to her and not just me. Some pony's were afraid of her. I hated it.It meant they knew she had power ,but none fear me I stomped my hooves down aggressively "this is unfair" I mumbled rage burning in my eyes. "If they don't fear me I will make them fear me" I thought "I will make day last forever ,and make sure my sister never gets part of it" I smirked and smiled loving the idea my hair I felt it heating up I looked in the mirror my hair was now orange and red flames and my eyes turned red with orange pupils "yes" " this is amazing" I laughed I heard hooves running from out my window I looked out and there was Luna running like the little pussy she is "she saw some of my rage" I thought oh well I said as I began to laugh my fangs showing as I curled them up into a snarl. "I will make Equestria love me and be there only princes" I said licking my lips ready to cause destruction against pony kind

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