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In the sky, Seth fought with all of his might to break free from Horus' clutches. Amidst the intense moment, he suddenly escaped his grasp and began to fall downward.

Horus shouted out "UNCLE!" as he attempted to reach Seth before he hit the ground. Ruelle immediately caught him in mid-air and gently laid him down on the ground, with Seth's yells still echoing in the air.

The sight of Seth lying on the ground, his face pale and eyes filled with fear, sent [Name] running to his side. As she kneeled beside him, she pulled him close and spoke words of comfort and encouragement. "It's okay, Seth," she whispered. "I'm here. Everything will be alright."

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Seth slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by [Name] who smiled kindly at him from above. "You're awake," she said in a warm tone.

He looked up at her, still a bit disoriented from his slumber. [Name], who he had been holding tightly, was lying on a blanket with him, and the rising sun revealed that it was noon.

A look of confusion crossed Seth's face as he realized that he was lying on her chest. "Oh, I see..." he thought. "So that's why it's so soft, so squishy..." he muttered under his breath as he slowly leaned into her, feeling content and comforted by her presence.

As the foreign god jumps down from his hiding spot behind a boulder, Seth's mood instantly shifts from relaxation to irritation. "You were aware that my abilities were sealed all along? How utterly inconsiderate."

With his irritation and bewilderment clear on his face and in my words, Seth looks to [Name] as she mutters, "No wonder he's so good-looking."

However, Seth's expression quickly changes back to one of annoyance as he glares back at the god. "What makes you think I find being catered to in this manner enjoyable?

The foreign god gives an amused chuckle, "My people, back home, all crave my attention. But I digress."

As Seth continues his interaction with the god, [Name] looks on with curiosity at the foreign god, her eyes glinting with a mix of awe and admiration.

As Seth stares at the foreign god, he suddenly catches a familiar scent in his nostrils: the scent of blood.

"Blood.." he mutters, his voice laced with concern as he surveys his surroundings. "What have you done to Horus?"

Hearing Seth's inquiry, [Name] immediately realizes the significance of the question. Horus was a familiar companion to Ruelle. However, just like Seth, she notices a disturbing revelation: Horus is nowhere to be found.

Amid the foreign god's attempt to placate Seth, the latter stopped him in his tracks. "Not that one. The comically large, jet-black falcon with the peculiar mask in question," he said, referring to Horus.

"The demigod wearing that ridiculous-looking face cover has been adequately put in his place by yours truly," the foreign god interjected, clicking his tongue with irritation. "I will not tolerate any individual who is not as stunningly beautiful as you," he proclaimed, winking at Seth.

As Seth and [Name] converse with the foreign god, the sound of flapping wings fills their ears. A momentary silence overtakes the trio as a massive bird descends from the skies, swooping down towards Seth. The foreign god rises to meet the bird in the air, launching a vicious attack. As they engage in battle, Seth remains motionless, absorbed in thought. [Name] notices the trance-like state Seth is in and gently strokes his hair, a kind and comforting gesture that seems to soothe him.

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