Looking for a job

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(The whole story is Madoka's POV. Okay? Okay.)


"Yeah, yeah I'm up" I said to nobody as I turned of my alarm that my friend made out of a voice recording on my phone.

I got out of bed and got dressed. Nothing was on today so I just wore boot cut jeans and a Nyan Cat hoodie.

After I slipped on my ankle boots I brushed my hair and tied my long purple hair into a simple ponytail with a blue ribbon. I grabbed my handbag and put my red glasses on, while walking towards the door.

After leaving and locking my apartment, I decided to roam around a bit. Who knew, maybe there might be a job for me with decent pay that won't require me to wear a slutty uniform.

After walking around for about half an hour, I decided to stop somewhere and have lunch.

I turned a corner and then I saw the place I haven't been to in years; Luciano's Family Diner. I used to LOVE that place as a kid. My mum used to take me there all the time after my dad left us. The food was delicious and the staff were friendly, but most of all, I loved the animatronics. There were four in total, there were Kuro and Lutz, who served pizza to the kids and played in a band with Luciano. He was my favourite. He would always serve my pizza and he played hide and seek with me. Lutz played the keyboard, Kuro played the guitar, and Luciano would sing with his adorable Italian accent. Then there was Oliver. He would serve the desserts, which were always cupcakes, and he always had a stage performance every day at 2:00pm. He would always have fun games set up about teaching little kids to cook using fake equipment.

I walked in an took a seat. Lots of things were still the same. Lutz and Kuro were still serving pizza, Luciano was playing tag with some little kids, and the stage and games were still the same. But when I looked at the other stage, the curtains were closed. They looked old and dirty and Oliver was nowhere to be seen. There was a sign in front of the curtains saying 'Sorry, Out Of Order', and from what I could see through the holes in the curtains, the fake ovens and benches were gone. What happened? Where is Oliver? Is he still here? I was interrupted from my thoughts when a waiter came to my table.
"Ciao! What-a will you-a be having today bella?" A cheerful man with blond hair with a gravity-defying curl said. His name tag said 'Flavio', and he was wearing a pale pink designer scarf.
"O-oh, uh could I have the meatlovers pizza please" I said. Why did I stutter? Oh well, too late to do anything about it anyway...
"Of course-a you can bella" he said before smiling and walking towards the kitchen. I could feel my cheeks warm up a bit. What the heck?! Why am I blushing?! Is it because he's cute? Stupid Madoka! I don't even know him!!

After a few minutes, Flavio came back with my pizza, and placed it on my table. "Here you go-a bella!" He said cheerfully.
"Thanks Flavio" I said as he began to walk away. "W-wait!" I said nervously as he turned around. "Just out of curiosity, uh do you know what happened to Oliver? I mean, why is he out of order?" I asked.
"Oh, I don't-a know bella, but I-a heard there was-a an accident involving him and-a young girl. Something about her-a being attacked. Why-a do you ask?" He said. God his accent was adora-NEVERMIND!!

"U-um it's nothing. I was just curious" I replied nervously. I suddenly remembered that I needed a job.

"Uh one more thing" I said as he looked at me curiously. I started to get a little more nervous. "Um is there maybe an available job here? I kinda need a job to pay off my bills" I said.

"Hmm... I-a think there-a is a night shift available for-a the security guard. Is-a that okay?" He said.

"Sure! Could I apply for the job? I don't have much experience though.." I said nervously.

"That's okay! I'll-a tell the boss-a right away-a!" He said excitedly.

I smiled as he walked away and started eating my pizza. I might be getting a job. Night guard...doesn't seem like such a bad idea..what could go wrong?

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