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    "Fuck you."

    That was the first thing Barty heard when he opened the door. The chilly wind from outside hit his bare chest, and he surpressed a shudder. 

    "Awh, Evan, are you that angry at me?" He cocked his head to the side as he leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. 

    Evan windswept hair fell in front of his watercolour eyes that had the same shade as the moody april sky. His freckles were nearly invisible, like they always were at this time of the year. His hands were hidden in the pockets of his jacket. Instead of answering, he brushed past Barty and into his apartment. 

    "Rosie," Barty started, "what's wrong?"

    Evan turned back to him, a tired look on his face. "I desperately need a smoke."


bartyc posted

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liked by evanistic, dorciedork, and others

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liked by evanistic, dorciedork, and others

bartyc look what idiot miraculously landed on my front step
tagged evanistic


bartyc yeah i should've waited your hair was really cute afterwards
user65 i love rosekiller
user66 lmao the nervous typos return

rblackish barty explain to me why evan just texted me saying he's high
bartyc probably because he is
user62 WHAT?!

user67 there's a really suspicious red spot on evan's neck
user69 😏😏
user70 bartyc evanistic what the fuck did you guys do
bartyc evan tripped in the shower

raccoonsclone we're gonna pretend that user67 is right

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    "C'mon, Ev, you're stoned," Barty tried to reason, a hint of desperation in his voice.

    Evan himself was sprawled out over the couch, eyes half closed yet somehow still watching Barty's every move, but at the brunet's words he sat up. 


    Barty sighed. "So I'd easily win against you every round." 

    Evan grinned challengingly. "Try me, Junior." He swung his legs over the side of the couch, getting a good grip on the controller.

    Averting his gaze rather quickly to hide the blush on his cheeks, Barty turned his attention to the screen, leaning back in the couch. Despite the confident talk, he easily killed Evan's character in Call of Duty multiple times before the blond called it quits. At this point he had half slid off the couch, lower part of his stomach exposed where his sweater and the shirt below it crept upwards. Barty tried his absolute best not to stare, but he still caught himself sending longing glances at the prominent v-line and softly tanned skin. 

    Unlike James Potter, with his darker skin, eyes and hair, Evan had a blond hair that was darker at the roots. His eyes were this lovely shade of blueish grey, and his skin had this sunkissed look to it, even if he hadn't been outside in ages. In comparison to Barty's boring green eyes, pale skin, and dark brown hair, Evan was a lot more interesting to look at. 

    But, at least Barty was a couple inches━maybe even a whole foot━taller than Evan, and he loved reminding the blond of their height difference. 

    A sudden surge of confidence bloomed in Barty's stomach, and he allowed himself to crawl on top of his best friend━which wasn't even the first time, he tended to do this a lot━grinning down at Evan, whose cheeks turned a noticable couple shades redder. Even high, Evan was easily flustered. Or maybe that was just with Barty.

    "Cat got your tongue?" Barty asked, grinning mischievously. 

    "Oh, fuck off," Evan did a lame attempt at pushing the brunet off, his cold hands connecting with Barty's bare chest. The blond's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Damn, you're hot."

    Barty chuckled. "Thanks, Rosie. You're pretty hot yourself," he lowered himself on his arms, awfully close to Evan now. 

    Again, the blond blushed, a shade of pink that contrasted with his skin colour lovely, yet he managed to look annoyed as he rolled his eyes. "You know that's not what I meant, idiot."

    The brunet pouted. "Do you not think I'm incredibly handsome?"

    Evan placed his hand on Barty's mouth, shushing him. "Shut up," he rolled his eyes again, but there was not a trace of real annoyance in his voice.

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