Chapter 4: First Trial

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*Wanda's POV*

"Um hi. Can I steal you for a moment?" I said interrupting MJ in her conversation pulling her aside.

"Hey what's up?"

"One of the Agents who questioned Y/n before is here..."

"What where?" She said looking around.

"10 o' clock. The really pretty lady in the black dress."

"No way. We've got to keep an eye on her."

"She said they're here keeping an eye out for the vigilante team as well..." I said keeping my eye on the agent.

"This is good." MJ said looking around the crowd. "That means anybody in here could be agents too. Keep an eye on her. Wherever she moves we move." I nod my head as this time MJ and I stick together throughout the crowd. We chat here and there with others until I see the agent disappear from the room.

I tug on MJ's arm and lean in, "she's gone."

"Please excuse my friend and I. We have to use the ladies room." MJ said to get us out of the situation. We walk down the hallway and I stop to take my heels off.

"They'll hear us from a mile away with these on." I whispered.

"Good idea." I don't know how I was feeling in the moment. Almost as if I was on some sort of mission or something. I wanted to land a job at the bugle and this could really help if I took part in the biggest story yet. I don't see where Agent DeWolff has gone but I start to see a team coordinate moving stealthy in the dark towards the back of the house. It looked like they were going to the separate garages towards the back. Jesus aren't I a bit hypocritical right now? I've told Y/n I didn't want her involved and now I'm in the middle of looking into this story? I hear cars driving in the distance growling louder towards us. MJ yanks me over so we stay hidden behind some bushes and luckily make it out of the lights of the vehicles. We stay hidden as we watch the group in action. They begin unloading some cargo boxes into the garage.

*Y/n's POV*

My phone buzzes from an incoming call on my drive.

"Where's Wanda?" I asked.

"Ms. Nash. She seemed to have disappeared from the party but her vehicle is still here."

"I'm on my way. I'm parking a few blocks away and heading on foot."


I hang up and shake my head. Who the hell would've asked Wanda to come? And where the hell did she go?"

I lightly jog my way to the back where the agents have pinned their locations. Just as thought, the movement of weapons being transported. Why were they bringing it to the Vision's garage with such an open event to the public? Is this Fisk's way of showing he's not technically afraid of the shadows for his men?

I lean up against a wall and catch my breath for a second. I see some of the agents as they send a signal with their guns ready. Where the hell was Wanda?

*Wanda's POV*

"I can't see or hear anything. We have to get closer." MJ said.

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