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CARI WATCHED AS TREECH FOLLOWED MIZZEN TO GET THE SPEAR. Mizzen moved slowly, eyeing the ground for his necklace as he approached the pile of rubble.

"We'll find the necklace, Mizzen, just get the spear for now."

Mizzen frowned, but obeyed Treech, who in turn began surveying the ground, kicking aside rocks in search of the hook.

"Will this work?" Mizzen asked, running back with one of the spears that had been left behind.

"Yeah." Mizzen began to pass him, but Treech held out an arm, "Hey, wait." Reaching behind his own neck, Treech pulled off his necklace and draped it on Mizzen.

" have one too?"

Treech nodded, "She's a worrier, that one."

Mizzen nodded, running a finger over the harsh lines of the ax, "What is it?"

"A constellation, one of the only ones she can still see in the Captiol." The younger boy nodded intently. "Come on, before Coral decides to put us each on our own side of the trident." Treech began moving toward the vent housing Lucy Gray

Mizzen followed obediently, "It's more of a pitchfork, to be honest, but she got mad when I said that."

"Figures." Treech let Mizzen go ahead of him, watching in case the boy began to fall.

"Here, birdy, birdy, birdy." The debarker watched with sad eyes as Mizzen crouched, thrusting the spear through the vent, forcing Lucy Gray back towards Coral. "Don't be scared."

The camera cut away from both boy's, showing Coral stood with her chin tilted up, listening as Lucy Gray shuffled closer with every jab of the spear.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, Coral smiled in victory, her trident piercing the metal of the duct above, again and again, breaking down the structure Lucy Gray took as her haven.

With every rip of the trident, dust fell from above, coating Coral's eyes. Cari sat forward in her seat, the reminder of Lucy Gray's poison in the front of her mind. But Coral didn't cough, nor did she bleed. She stayed as strong as ever, the vent collapsing above her the only threat.

Lucy Gray and Coral both laid on the ground, groaning as they both sat up, the latter reaching out for her weapon as Lucy Gray scrambled to her feet; recovering quickly and taking off in the direction of Mizzen and Treech.

Both boys turned as the rainbow clad figure of Lucy Gray ran past them. Mizzen slid down the rubble, Treech steadying him just as Coral appeared, shouting for them to follow the songbird.

As they hurried behind her, the dust began to fly, an overhead propeller blowing both it, as well as the flag draped over the tributes.

All four tributes stopped their pursuit and escape, eyes dead set on the enormous drone carrying a tube container, headed straight for the very rubble they began at.

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