A small problem

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Claire had received rather many harsh words after she reached home late that night, two in the morning to be precise, she had tried climbing into her window with the help of Aaarrrgghh but the noise had alerted Enrique which then woke the entire house from its slumber and so forth. Her mother had wanted to ground her, her father however argued against it, after ensuring she had not been at a boys house, but with Mary and Darci. Something she had them defend by messaging them. And with Darcy's dad at the station all night the alibi worked.

Plus her parents knew her as their perfect daughter, perfect grades and a social life that barely had ever grown as if she made more friends who could watch her brother every other night.

She had still been placed under a harsher watch, something that might make the nightly activities she assumed she would partaking in much more difficult to accomplish. The mantle of trollhunter was becoming both more attractive and more ugly at the same time. The actual risk of constant death, the trouble she would be put in, the many many awkward lies it would form. But it was also freedom, she could go out, explore- forget her parents existed. Plus the protection of humankind as a whole was also a large selling point. She felt obligated to do it, as much as she reasoned it was a stupid idea, the only way to pass on the responsibility was to die, and she was rather fond of life by this point.

She had arranged to go to the forge again the next evening, realizing she would have to sneak out her window to make her escape. Her father would be home to care for her brother while her mother was out so she had the freedom that day. When in school she noticed that Jim was not in, called in sick according to Toby who had knocked on his door, asking for the millionth time if he wanted to ride in with him.

Claire found Toby's desire to be Jim's friend unprecedented. Jim ignored him, something she wasn't fond of happening. She felt bad for Toby, when she mentioned it to Darci- she seemed very intrigued. Claire had noticed but not mentioned it aloud. It was not her role to pry, not yet anyways.

Jim was not happy about skipping school. Not because of it being school, more because of the twin magma blades being sliced at his rocky skull.

"You can do better then that little Gynt!" Nomura called out, her voice echoing the sneer on her face.

"You'd be dead if I was fighting better" Jim replied calmly. He regretted it as soon as he said it, Nomura swung a blade at the side of his head, his duck allowed her to swing the other blade at his now-low-down-head. He blocked it as fast as he could with his great sword, regretting the choice in weapon immediately.

He had been taught both in dual wielding with two smaller blades and with Moonlight- his great sword. A relic from the early years of changelings. They had tried to replicate the Amulet of Daylight- with little success. The sword was a product from it however and had been granted to him. The moment he had laid eyes upon it as a young pebble he had wanted it and pestered Strickler for it until it was his.

The sword could be shrunk down to a small pendant, one Jim always wore. The blade itself was large, 5'5 in height with the hilt included. The blade was flat on one side, curved on the other. The hilt was made of ebony- the sword was a dark steel, with carvings in it that shone the same colour as Nomura's blades. The hilt was shaped as an open gaping jaw, the blade had an engraving upon it. To change is to survive.

He in his position was now compromised. One blade pushing against his blade, the other free to attack him. He shoved against her kopesh, forcing Nomura up and back.

"Still think I would be dead brat"

 Jim stood back up, reaching his full height as a troll. He made a rash choice, he threw the blade at Nomura and dashed behind it. She deflected the blade, but in its blind spot Jim attacked. His punch smacked into her jaw and forced her back, momentarily stunned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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