Side Story: Federal Trio (LORE)

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This will just serve as a small side story to better understand a few events that will happen in the future. Also I'm sorry :p, I know you guys want romance between Y/n and Michiru. The chapter after this or the next will be episide 3, prob split into 2.

(Takes place a year ago, in the United States of America)

Inside a McDonald's we see three young males. All sitting by each other in a table for three.

Y/n: "...Yeah and then he just jumped." The 17 year old boy said.

On Y/n's left side we see an older boy, an American around 19. He goes by the name of, 'Piers. Piers Olivas.'

Piers: "Huh... hey, Y/n. What if me and this fool joined the F.B.I. with you? Don't you think it'd be fun? I mean... you always seem lonely over there, and realistically, we're the only civilians who know that you're even in the agency."

Y/n: "Yeah well..."
Y/n then points to the older man on his right. A Mexican-american who seems sarcastic, and he's 23, also an ex swat member. He goes by, 'Verra. Verra Cortez.'

Y/n: "What do you say, Verra?"

Verra: "Eh... pues, it's not really my style, understand? But, maybe. Someday if you really need me. But- Piers, you can join."

Piers: "Right- yeah. I think I will! Hey, Y/n. You know how we're both from... that special race? You think the F.B.I. would let me in if I revealed it to them?"

Y/n: "Go for it. But if you guys do join, try and focus on the main task instead."

Piers: "Geez... You're such a stiff buzz-kill, ya know that?!"

Y/n: "Right... Anyhow, recently I had to stop this man from inappropriately harming some k-"

Out of nowhere the T.V. is turned on by an employee who seems nervous as he turns up the volume, afterwards he switches to the news channel.

Verra: "Ey, hombre! What's wrong?"
The McDonald's employee simply ignored him as he want back to paying attention to the television.

The three young men listen in on the television, with Y/n and Piers specifically paying attention.

News Reporter: "We are outside the White House as a few protestors are trying their best to protect Beastmen rights."

Through the screen we see a few riot squads being sent out to calm down the protestors, as they slowly turned into rioters. Eventually a gunshot is heard as the camera man quickly turns away to face the news reporter.

News Reporter: "Violence is breaking out! Some of the rioters have revealed themselves to be beastmen, as some have already been protesting in their beastman forms!"

Station Host: "Alright, thank you, Cindy. We will now be switching over to William who is attending the current meeting over Beastmen rights inside the Capitol."

The screen takes a moment as it cuts to another News Reporter.

But before they turn their attention back, Piers speaks up.

Piers: "Wow... that's. Crazy, huh? At least it doesn't affect us. Am I right boys? Although I do feel a bit bad for them. It's not like-"

Y/n: "They're rioting. That's illegal."

Eventually they shift their focus back to the television. Where we hear a court-like meeting going on as a few beastmen in the crowd and humans start arguing, before eventually one of the congress speak up and finally state something.

News Reporter 2: "Congressman McCain has officially stated that Beastmen, of all kind. Have now been given LIMITED rights. Any Beastman who owns property will still be given normal territorial rights. But to the others, payment has been cut, and there is now a beastman quarantine zone near most major cities. Beastmen enlisted in the military, are to be given the same rights as us citizens. Congressman McCain has also stated that local police officers are to find beastmen, and send them to quarantine zones. Federal Agents will also have this ability, and they must. Our military will start escorts at midnight. More info later on Univision 21."

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