Are you a prosti*ute?

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The sun shone on her face as Kate drew the curtains.

She slept late but She slept peacefully.

Good morning Ariana,how was your night. She greeted her and brought a cup of hot tea for her.

Good morning nana oh I mean Kate,thank you for the tea. She corrected her self and smiled.

If you are done drinking the tea,go take your bath and change into one of my dress so we can talk.

Sure. Ariana immediately finished her tea and then went to the bathroom.

She wore one of kate cloth,a short trousers and a baggy top.

Come sit let me help you to stretch your hair. Kate ushered her to sit on the bed.

Okay,my hair is seriously tangled. Ariana touched her soft long hair.

Leave that to me lady.

Kate began to stretch her hair then everywhere was silent.

Kate broke the silence.

So Ariana how come you are homeless and you look so tattered.

Hmmm I was chased out by my aunt. remembering her aunt,Ariana face fell.

Your aunt? Is she wicked?

Wicked? She is a beast.

Ariana explained everything to Kate.

Everyone has different stories to tell. Kate has finished stretching Ariana’s hair. Her face changed she was sad.

Why did you say that?ariana was confused.

This is not the path I choose too,this is not how I wanted my life to be. She sniffed.

My mom and dad was separated when I was young, I had to stay with my mom.

She married another man a year after,she gave birth and then abandoned me like I was not her child.

I had to fend for myself,my mom’s husband raped me one day and then threatened me not to talk.

Soon my mom has lungs cancer,she died because there was not enough money her husband has used it to gamble.

Soon he chased me out then I became who I am today.

Ah thank God,Ariana thought she was in a happy place now.

Yes thank God but it’s not what you think. She chuckled.


Where did you meet me yesterday?kate asked.

Ariana remembered and then shouted “are you a prostitute?”.

Hehe I know that’s what you will think of first, I am a stripper. was stunned.

Yup I know it’s bad but that’s what is feeding me now I am addicted to it. She bowed her head and then began to cry.

Ariana consoled her until she stopped crying.

Ariana strugglesWhere stories live. Discover now