yeeey it's been long we stroll

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Kate came back from the club seeing Ariana busy with her phone and smiling like a little kid who just saw a new toy.

Mrs Williams in imagination world,what are you doing now?” Kate sat down beside her looking at what she was doing.

This phone is so cool!! the cameras are good”Ariana showed her the picture she just took.

Hahaha, is that how to take a picture? Why did you put the phone close to your face. Hahaha it made your nose and eyes big and ugly”Kate burst into laughter.

Then how do they take a picture, I often see nana when ever she want to take her picture” Ariana frowned.

Alexandra will be so disappointed in you”kate laughed again.

Are you making jest of me now?.

Kate collected the phone,she deleted all the picture Ariana has taken by herself.

Why did you delete everything”Ariana snatched the phone from her.

Because it’s ugly,when we are going out this evening you will take a picture I promise.

Seriously are we going out? To where not the club right?.

Hmmm am not going today let’s stroll.

Yeyyy it’s been long we stroll together”Ariana jumped on the bed.

How come there is a SIM card in the phone or did you bought one this morning?.

No I was at home since,maybe Alex bought it with the phone?.

Ohh”Ariana went through her contact,she saw only Alex number there” it’s true he bought it with the phone.

I thought as much.

I remember,you slept so early yesterday and how was the place”kate was curious to know.

I was tired.

Tired? Did you farm or work there?

Nope my body was just weak.

Weird kid,and how did everything go,gist me!!gist me!!”kate held Ariana shoulder and then shake her body.

O...oka..y my heart is about to jump out now I will gist you” Ariana tried to remove Kate hand from her shoulder.

Ariana explained everything that happened to kate, was in awe.

Mrs Williams is so cool,awww all of them expect Alex he is a cold stone.

Hey stop it I don’t know why you guys keep saying he is cold,to me he is friendly and he likes to talk always.

People must not hear you saying Alex is friendly,there won’t even believe you”Kate snorted.

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