you did what?

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Where are you coming from.kate put her hand on her waste like an angry mom.

I met Alexandra Williams!! Ariana lie down on the bed and backed Kate.

Wake up from your fantasy where have you been.

I’m serious have I told you this before?.

Kate find it hard to believe.

Ariana explained everything to her.

He comes to the club once in a blue moon,but always in the vip I have not seen him before. Did he give you his contact or money? Kate asked eagerly.

No and yes,he gave me Cheque but I threw it at him,it just like he is paying me for a night.

You did what? Kate asked again maybe her ear is hearing wrong.

I threw it at him any problem?. Ariana was wearing a confused look.

Kate face turned green. You will eat your head in this house. She hissed and then sat on the bed.

What I did was right.

It is wrong ariana,ten thousand dollars you threw it at him. That means if it is a million of dollars that means you will throw it at him too. I am disappointed in you don’t talk to me for the time being I might unleash my anger on you. She eyed her and then pushed Ariana leg from the bed. Ariana fell down and hit her ass on the ground.

Are we fighting now huh?

No reply

Seriously you won’t reply me now. Should I go back he might still be there.

No reply.


Don’t stress me. Kate fold her hand and stare at the ceiling lost in thought.

(The wills resident)
The mansion is grand and luxurious, with spacious rooms, high ceilings, and elegant decor. IIt's like a dream come true!.

Alex was expressionless as he sat beside his mom. Everything his father was saying,he didn’t hear anything.

When did you become like this,everyone was looking for you yesterday. What came over you,I and your mom was talking to you yesterday and you left angrily. Mr will was angry his vein popped out from his forehead.

Am not sure he heard everything you said,assuming he has a wife he won’t get drunk his wife will caution him. But no he won’t get married. Said mrs will.

Alex look at his watch and then stood up. “ I need to go”

Go where?

To my residence.

You better get married your brother already has a girlfriend.

That’s his choice,he walked out and his assistant followed him.

(Kate apartment)

Kate talk to me please, Ariana was bored they were both hearing each other’s breath.

Let me be!!

I said am sorry, Ariana could not accept the physically torture.

Hmmm am not angry, Kate didn’t face her.

Seriously am so happy. Ariana smiled but her smile soon vanish

But don’t talk to me!!

Ahhh why.

Ariana strugglesWhere stories live. Discover now