Chapter Five

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"You are NOT going to the Pennhurst Asylum." Stated Relia's mom. She had over heard her daughter chatting with Emeric the previous day. She didn't know why her daughter wanted to go to such a terrible building, just hat she wouldn't allow it. Relia placed her coffee mug on the counter.

"Were you spying on me?"

"No! I just over heard your conversation with that boy."

" So...spying."

"It doesn't matter. You are not going." 

" One, it does matter and two, you can't stop me. Emeric and I made plans to go next day we're off from class and he doesn't have work."

" You live under my roof, you abide by my rules." 

"Let her go Donna. It's not like she's doing anything illegal." Nana said as she came shuffling into the kitchen. " There are tours everyday, it's a part of history." Relia saw the opportunity before her. She tilted her head and gave her mom the best innocent look she could muster up.

" Mom, Emeric and I just want to take the tour. I think it's a great idea. Plus, the asylum is a huge part of our ancestral history, right? Shouldn't I learn more about what happened by actual facts and not just written diary pages?"

Dona sucked on her teeth. She could feel that she had been defeated. 

"FIne. I won't stop you but you will text me when you arrive and when you're on your way home." 

Relia silently thanked her Nana for the back up and nodded.

"Of course. "

"And i demand to personally meet this boy before you go anywhere alone with him." Donna added. Relia let her head flop back, letting out a slightly annoyed groan.


" It's a small price." Nana agreed. This time it was Relia who was defeated. She huffed out a fine before grabbing her coffee and heading back to her room. 

Knowing her mother liked to snoop, Relia quickly changed and headed out the door. She felt that the news should be delivered face to face instead of over the phone anyway. Emeric had class that morning till ten so Relia planned to catch him exiting the room. She jumped onto her bike and started off towards the campus.

She looked at the college map on her phone. Emeric told her he'd be in the computer lab for that class period. Only problem was, Relia was not sure where the lab was. She never went to that section of campus. It took her four tries till she found the correct hall that led to the computers. The time was now ten-o-two. His class should be over. She came up on the doors as other students shuffled out. Emeric wasn't included.

"Did I just miss him?"

Relia grabbed one of the doors before it closed. Much like other classrooms, the computer lab had the same riser style table placements. One major difference was that every table had a large computer tower and monitor. Wires hung out of the towers, neatly velcroed out of the way before disappearing  into the wall. The front of the room, behind the professor's desk, was a large wipe board with several letters sentences. 

"...It's like a different language..."

" Because it is." Answered a deep voice. Relia swung around, startled. She was met with a warm chuckle and dark blue eyes. Emeric stood on the third floor level, leaning against the table. Relia wondered how the position he was in could even be possible. His lower back was against the table's edge, but his left leg was bent as he kept it mid air. Along with that, he had a laptop balanced on his thigh that he continued to type on.

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