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" C'mon cubby. " Your cg says as they pick you up. " We're gonna take a bath and then were going nini's, okay? ". Your only response is you tiredly rubbing your eyes with your fists. " Sleepy baby, " they coo at you, patting your back in a comforting manner, so as to calm you down for bed.

They walk into the bathroom with you in their arms, " buby's gonna get the bath ready for you, you sit here and be a good baby. " They say setting you down onto the bathroom floor. They turn on the tap and plug the drain so they can give you a bath. As the tub fills up they take out your bath toys and let you play with your favorite rubber duck; Lucky, he has a little red bow on and a red top hat with a monocle. They then pour in the bubble bath and let the rest of the tub fill with bubbles.

Once the tub is filled they help you change out of the clothes you were wearing and get into the tub, They'd let you pick out three toys to take into the bath with you. Of course you had to pick Lucky, you'd also picked out a random boat, and an octopus. While you were playing in the bath your cg had helped clean you up. after you were all clean they'd pulled you out of the bath and wrapped you in a cute fluffy towel. It was green and had a hood that was the head of a cute frog.

They'd carried you to your shared room and helped dry you off and dress you for bed. They'd picked out a cute blue onesie with clouds all over it. They'd put powder and cream on you and taped a diaper over your waist. They then pulled the onesie over your head and clipped it under your crotch. " Such a clean baby " They said rubbing their nose on yours.

They then laid you down on the bed and turned on your favorite show to keep you distracted while they make you a bottle to help you fall asleep. Soon they come into the room with the bottle in hand and saw you curled up cuddling one of your stuffed animals. They couldn't help but audibly awe at the sight.

Turning the lights down they curled into the bed, putting the bottle down on the side table and bringing you in close to them, you'd cuddled into their arms unintentionally. They took the bottle and brought the nipple up to your lips, you'd immediately latched on and started drinking. The milk soothing you, lulling you into a sleepy state. As you'd finished the bottle you were less than awake now, replacing the bottle with a pacifier, your cg had cuddled you close, patting your bottom comfortingly.

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