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Nearly 8.30 pm

The Ringing sound of the cell phone could be heard in the soul-less room. It kept ringing and ringing, atlas at a moment it stopped but started ringing again. The girls sitting on the chair nearby feeling irritate got up and picked the cell phone from the wooden table.



"Who and why the hell whoever-this-person-is calling me."
She wrathfully complained because continuously getting disturbed from studying. She huffed and answered the call.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Uh does this number belongs to Lee Y/N?"

"Yes. And who am I talking to please?"

"Oh, it's Jung Hoseok, the guy from the Hope World
café. You had actually forgotten your ID card back in the café."



Aishhh how can I be so careless????? It's more than 4 times I've lost my ID till now. It's a relief that the guy found it and was taking efforts to return it to me. Or else I would have to again write an application for a new ID card. Anyways it was a save this time. I saw the contact from which I just received the call +82-4-827-1933. I saved the contact as Jung Hoseok- Hope World Café. From what Jung Hoseok said, he will be meeting me at Gate no. 7 of SNU at 8.15 am. Glad that he was himself willing come and give me the ID because I was busy till Thursday.


Monday, About 8 am.

If Jeonghan was not my cousin and my mom's precious boy, then I would have kicked him out of my car right now. It has not even been 3 mins since I started driving and he's troubling the shit out of me. As for now he is face timing Seokmin- my youngest uncle's middle son.

Seokmin is very loud. Very loud for 8 in the morning. He screamed at Jeonghan through the screen to show my face and Jeonghan being Jeonghan, he freaking shoved his phone onto my face. I glared at him.

Oh, how badly I wished to beat the shit out of him.

"Y/N, you know this Friday BSS is going to perform live. I have extra show tickets. Do you think you can make it? Seungcheol hyung is going to be there as well." Hearing Seungcheol's name I glanced at Seokmin to see his overly joyed face. I recalled if I have any important work on Friday. No. Not really.

"I'm free this Friday. Seokmin, no promises but I'll try my best to attend it." I replied to him while driving. From my peripheral vision, I saw Jeonghan opening the glove compartment and taking a chocolate bar.

BSS stands for BooSeokSoon. Boo Seungkwan, he was my junior back in the highschool. I can proudly say that I taught him Volleyball. He is a total sass queen but his vocals are heaven.

Lee Seokmin, as you know my cousin. He loves Pizza and Doenjang jiggae. He leads the BSS. That boy surely knows how to hit high notes. Seokmin is very sensitive.

Kwon Soonyoung or Hoshi, he was as well my junior back in high school. I remember the first day I met him, he forcefully convinced me that he was a tiger even though I was not convinced. He dances very well. He is a big fan of SHINee. Back then he would always keep screaming his favourite word "Horanghae".

Seungcheol? Well we were great friends back then from middle school till Highschool. However we did not end on good terms.

"Well, confirm it before Wednesday." I gave him a smile nodding at his words.

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