Break and Shatter

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The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

Alan Watts

I was walking back up to the top of the mine when I heard it, alarms. I could hear running, a whole lot of it. I knew that was the cave in alarm but there was no cave in...not that anyone could feel... "Rick..." I said softly to a miner behind me, as soon as he acknowledged me I turned to him "You didn't feel a cave in did you?" He shook his head then looks up with a soft shock to his expression "What if they don't mean cave in...but danger? It sounds like chaos up there maybe there was an acciden-" he didn't get to finish the sentence before gunfire tore through the silent night air, out of instinct I took cover behind a vacant mining rig "Get down!" I shouted as the others followed my lead.

"I think we found out what the alarm was about..." I heard Rick breath out as he pulled out his phone dialing for the cops "No wait...wait...that wasn't a normal rifle they used, sounded like two or three automatics; so that's two or three men... firing in sync...cops won't cut it. Make sure they know it's not a robbery as well." Ricky looked up at me with confusion as he relayed the information to the operator "When did you become an expert L/N?"  I dropped to my knee and looked around the rig up the path to the top of the mine "Since I fought in a desert...shit...I see movement...that's more than three guys..."

I slowly pulled my head back in "Any luck with the cops Rick?" He nodded "Uh...I'm still on the line...he said ten minutes until first responders get here...I don't think he bought the whole big speech you gave." A few of the other miners flinched as more guns where fired "Fuck me this definitely isn't a robbery..." Greg...a new kid, fresh in his first shift spoke up "Then what is it? W-why are they here?"

"Why are they here?" I felt it run through my mind over and over again..."Why are they here?..."Why are they here!! Why would these people come here. Not to rob us hey wouldn't risk shooting us like that if so...if they are killing us...that's what they want to do..." I let out a silent chuckles "They want to kill us random miners...they want chaos for something..." I felt the moral drop as I spoke that small sentence "so we are good as dead?" Rick said as he flinched as bullets hit the rig we where hiding behind "Oh shit...I guess we are..." he said closing his eyes. I looked at our small group and clutched a handful of sand "No...we are not." My brain started to make a plan "These are the forward scouts, two guys at most, I can hear their footsteps...on my right the guy was closer...perfect" I rushed out tossing the sand in his eyes, easily wrestling the gun away from him; I put three in his chest before putting one in the head of the other scout as he got past the rig, he heard me drop his buddy so he turned to look. His worst mistake...the bullet hit him square between the eyes. He crumpled at Greg's feet as the kid whimpered.

"H-holy shit..." Rick said looking into my eyes "No time for that Rick they definitely heard that...huh." I looked at the gun I took and the one in the dead guys hand " know how to use this right? If so pick it up and if you see anyone you don't know drop them." I switched to a fresh mag, looking down at the men I was then I froze...these two men...they where wearing white...glaring masks...

I pulled out my phone as soon as I noticed, scrolling through my speed dials till I got to "DR.G" I pressed call with a shaky hand as I rushed out to hide behind a different rig "Ah...Y/N! How does the night find you-"  I spoke immediately with no room for error "Men in white masks, they got guns...they are here and I think why are killing people. Those masks are just like the ones I saw at the convoy incident..." I heard papers rustle as Dr.G rushed up "What? Y/N have you been taking your meds? You needn't call me for things like this; take your meds..." I could feel a pulse in the back of my mind...he didn't believe me...he thought I was lying...or going crazy again "I killed two. They are as real as they where back then. Please G I need help it's not like I can kill like I am still a soldier! Get me help there are more coming!" I shouted the last part as that pulse in my mind vanished, he was believing me again. "Y/ many...." I shuddered and fell to the ground, "They are pruning us...two forward total I think twelve or eight left...." I started to sweat...I realized G had one thing right...I hadn't got to the office to get my meds...I missed a dose "Y/N listen to me. People are coming-Help is coming. But you have to listen to me they will take time and I don't think many miners have any...I need to ask you a favor..." I leaned out seeing four armed and masked men beginning to head down the trail "W-what do you need G..." I asked in a soft plea as I checked my chamber out of sheer fear "Y/N I need you to take control of this. Your the first hope of these men and women, you got this... if your heart is in the right place...I think you can hold them off and save your fellow miners..." I had nothing to I acted, razing the rifle and exhaling, putting ten rounds down range as I tried to keep my mind together...

The end...for now.

Do let me know how you are doing! And anything you enjoy/need to see changed! Have a good read

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