The Beginning

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"Please Y/N...I need to hear your last time." The doctor spoke in his smooth French accent... he wasn't the first that wanted to know what had happened, but he was the last."Fine...Gustavo was it? Here is is...what happened..." my mind began to twist and turn remembering the night wasn't easy, it never was the right order...

My body screamed at me, each muscle in agony as I pushed through the sand swept terrain. My vision filled with spots, my eyes stinging with sweat. Everything was shifting, I could see it; grass sprouted from the sand, a lush landscape soon surrounding me, a place to hide...freedom...water...right?



I yawned as I woke up on my cot, the tent a mess of sleeping men and early risers. I got up and pulled on a clean shirt, if the rumors where true we would move into Iraq within four hours. I wanted to be ready. I wanted to be prepared, it wasn't long before I got ready and headed to wake the others up, Kuwait brought our dysfunctional family together in a fucked up way, each of us had our own bruises and stories.

This morning was nothing special, a bit drier then usual but other than that it was normal, some folk where talking about new soldiers on base, strange folk with white masks in their bags, I'd seen them too, two sleekly dressed upper class twats is what they looked like. "Hey Y/N. I think the CO is looking  for you!" I heard someone yell, turning to face them I caught sight of the Major.

"L/N, get your ass in my tent ASAP. You got briefing." The men stood at attention as he passed by...those that where awake at least, as I left following him to the dreaded Command tent. Me and the boys nicknamed it the Shitbox, every time someone was brought there alone they where made a "Team Lead", fancy way of putting the blame on a marine so the Commanders didn't have to deal with it.

The CO was a short and fat man, Major Franklin Harlow. "Sir!" I said standing at attention in-front of the greaseball. He looked like a con man, maybe even a Carny... "Sergeant L/N, Tomorrow your unit move for the first time into a shit storm of a war. Two vehicles will be sent early to break the news to your new CO, I want you to man one of these vehicles as team lead, keep the few men in order on the trip."

As he spoke his eyes wandered, his hands running through his graying hair. His face unintentionally showing his uninterested nature. "I will be honored too...Sir." I saw a small upheaval of the corners of his lips, was he grinning? "Dismissed L/N, you will be picked up by your crew in thirty minutes. Suit up and be ready."

I felt sick as I left the tent...but I couldn't place it. Something was wrong, but I couldn't understand what...I quickly got into my battle rattle, the others in my platoon confused as I did so. Several questions where thrown out, but none interested me. I had my job.

As I tightened the last strap on my rucksack, two men called for me, walking out I was met with a Humvee filled with the slee stomach churned as I took my place in the gunners seat.

"Alright kid, you know the drill. Hold on, Fallujah here we come!" I heard the driver shout as the car lurched forward in a quick sprint. "Wait Fallujah? That's days away!" I tried to shout over the wind as I grabbed the turret base for support, they didn't even acknowledge me as we speed into the desert.

It didn't take me long to notice it, an hour or so in I saw them talking amongst themselves, they grabbed masks out of their bags as we reached a small convo running ammo to the camps on Iraqi soil, I waved at the lead humvees gunner...but again I felt that twang in my gut...a ringing entered my ears as our humvee swerved into theirs.

I heard metal grind as the gunner turned the turret to face me, and in that split second my life was in danger...I felt at home, it was like I was back home cooking a barbecue, weaving through the crowd as I got bumped into hard by the hungry guests, I felt blood trickle in my mouth but that was ok, the grill was hot, but one of the gas's burners was out, I pulled the barbecue lighter off my belt and tossed it, I started to click it over and over again...before reality snapped back to me...the cold, the pain in my ribs, I was standing over the other driver  my pistol in my hand clicking as I finished my mag dump...

The convoy was around me in ruins, I could still hear the laughing from my BBQ back home, I almost smiled remembering it...before I saw one of the masked men folded in half under a tire, breathing raggedly.

"Y-you monster..." he wheezed "Y-you tore through them...a-a wh-whole platoon...laughing..." he coughed, blood leaking out as he struggled to realize he was dead, I looked around me, the burning tarp truck was warm, the blood leaking from my mouth tasted like iron, these feeling kept me grounded, they kept me grounded as I ran into the wilderness

I gagged and threw up in the floor of my white room as the memories flooded through me, the French doctor Looked over me with a deep expression, "Thank you Y/ have been helpful...get some rest..."

The end...of the Beginning..I hope you enjoy~

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