~{An Invitation}~

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I finally pull up to the estate and it's this beautiful house almost like a mansion this home was huge. Once the driver parks this kind butler opens the door for me and offers his hand which I take as he leads me to the house's front door which he also opens for me ad I walk in. As I step inside I see friends and some new faces.

Shane Dawson as the Renegade

Eva Gutowski as the Journalist

GloZell Green as the Jazz Singer

Oli White as the Big Game Hunter

Beatrice Swanson as the Flapper

Justine Ezarik as the Gambler

Andrea Brooks as the Fixer

Matt Haag as the Professor

Sierra Furtado as the Heiress

Lele Pons as the Hustler

Timothy DeLaGhetto as the Mobster

My best friends Lele, Shane, and Eva I see first as I make my way over to them. The inside of this house is gorgeous but I feel like that was an understatement. "Hey Trix how've you been" Shane said as we exchange a hug, him using the nickname he gave me "I've been good, love your outfit who are you" I replied "Oh, I'm the Renegade. I'm guessing you are a...Flapper?" Shane guessed "Dang you got it on point. Eva, Lele how are my girls" I told Shane then turning to the girls. "Oh my god hi Beatrice, It's been forever since I've seen you" Eva said as we had a small group hug "Girl, it has been like 4 days since you seen me" I said laughing "That's to long" Lele said. We all share a small laugh.

~{JUSTINE: This is such a nice place. It's the 1920s, we were just in 2016, Then we got into this car and then here we are. So like I think I know what's going on, but I'm really not sure}~

"Do you have any mints? Any gum? Mints?" I hear Matt ask Justine. As the groups continues to talk amongst ourselves as we wait for Joey to arrive which is hopefully soon so we can get this party started.

~{MATT: I don't get to go out too much and then when I'm coming to a party like this and it's themed, I'm really looking forward to it}~

~{SHANE: This party is insane. I mean, I have been to a few YouTube parties, that's a lie, I've been to none. This is the first one I've been invited to}~

As I was talking to GloZell who is so sweet, I love her I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Then I see Joey stand at this round part of the stairs facing us "What do you guys think?" Joey asked us, we start clapping and cheering as a response. "Welcome to my new house" Joey told us "This is yours?" I asked with a face of shock "This isn't your house" Lele commented "I actually have inherited this house from a distant cousin twice removed" Joey explained to us and GloZell making a funny remark "My cousins get me nothing". Which makes me laugh a small bit.

"You all look amazing tonight in your 1920s attire" Joey complemented and us in return give a couple of poses. "I wanna introduce you all to my wonderful staff that actually came with the house. Arthur, who is head of staff. Sarah, the maid and then there's Marvin, who's the groundskeeper. Dinner is almost ready, but until then, let's get to know each other a little bit more and have some drinks." Joey said. Arthur is the one who opened the door for me, nice to finally put a name to a face. Sarah did a little curtsy when Joey mentioned her and lastly is Marvin who is somewhere, maybe I can meet him later. Joey came over to the group while Sarah passed around drinks. I was with Shane, Eva, and Matt playing darts and Matt was trying to be fancy and throw a dart backwards, spoiler alert he missed.

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