~{Buried Alive}~

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"I'm getting really fussy!" Justine says in frustration. Justine failed to save Andrea from the grips of the ungodly machine.

When then recovered the first of four artifacts and learned a shocking truth.

"One among you is in league with the evil of the house" Oli read from the note he found.
Months Before The Guests Arrived...

A man and a woman are making love against a wall in one the bedrooms in the house. As the woman goes in for a kiss the man backs away, her looking disappointed that he pulled away. She walks over to the night stand grabbing a cigarette from an ashtray and a lighter, sitting on the bed lighting the cigarette as the man throws her a stack of money. She picks it up looking threw it making sure it's all there when the man pulls out a chloroform bottle from his briefcase. He pours some onto a rag while the woman wasn't looking then walking over to her grabbing the cigarette and taking a hit. The man sits on the bed next to her, scooting closer to her then shoving the rag over her nose and mouth knocking her out.

The man grabs her and throws her over his shoulder taking her outside where she finally starts to wake up. She's still kind of out of it as the man sort of throws her to the ground "Hey, hurry up" he said to another man that was standing in a gave hole. The woman takes this as an opportunity to make a run for it. The man turns around hearing her scream to see her running "God damn it!" he says chasing her, catching up to her very quickly. He grabs a handful of her hair then grabbing her waist dragging her back. The other man coming over to help by grabbing her legs "Please, no!" the woman begged but she's lowered into a coffin, the lid being shut right after. She bangs on the coffin's lid trying to get out as both men rap chains around the coffin "Get the chain" the man that grabbed to woman said to the other. Finally putting the lock on the chains the cloaked masked man from before walks up "Is she inside?" he asked the man from the beginning nodding his head "Bury her" the masked man said and the 2 men start shoveling dirt into the grave burying the coffin. The masked man sets the second artifact into a box a bit away from the coffin then pouring what looks to be white sand around it. These arms come up to drag the box underneath the ground, hiding the box.
We are sitting back in the lounge still arguing on who could be working in league with the evil, people start wondering how Oli saw the note. In his defense he says he has good vision, which good to know for future challenges when we need a good set of eyes. Oli then turning the tables on GloZell who turns it to Joey. All this back and forth is making me dizzy.

~{GLOZELL: I think maybe Joey is in league with this evilness that's going on. He has to be, it's his house}~

~{JUSTINE: Any of us could be in league with the evil spirit, but it's not me, so I don't know who it is}~

"All I'm saying is Justine took out Andrea, she sabotaged the entire death machine, its gotta be Justine" Matt argues pointing the blame again "I told her not to pick me 'cause I'm stupid!" Justine retaliates "Honey, say that before she picks you not after" I said. I know I'm also picking on Justine but she did seem like she wanted her dead cause she didn't really do anything to win her challenge. "That doesn't change the fact that you killed her!" yelled Matt to Justine. "What about Beatrice, she is the one that cause the machine to malfunction making the gas go into Andrea's pod, killing her" Justine throw out. I just stand there with my mouth wide open "Wait she is kinda right though" Tim agreeing along with GloZell, then Matt agreeing too.

~{BEATRICE: What the hell is going on? Why is the blame suddenly going to me? I was doing what I could to save Lele and myself}~

~{LELE: For me, either it's iJustine who's behind this or it's Matt, one of those two have to go}~

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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