3 : dodged a punch

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DODGED A PUNCH*{ "what the hell did i even do?" }*└───────── °∘ ❉ ∘° ─────────┘

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*{ "what the hell did i even do?" }*
└───────── ° ° ─────────┘


Savannah woke up before the sun had come up since she wanted to have enough time to get ready and still go to dutch bros' before school started. *6:21 AM, MONDAY, MARCH 25th* the clock read, Savannah yawned and took a sip of the room temperature water on her nightstand before getting up to take a shower.


"SAVANNAH! DO YOU STILL WANT TO GO TO DUTCH BROS OR NOT!?" Kathrine, her mom yelled from downstairs. "YES MOM IM COMING DOWN NOW HOLD ON!" Savannah yelled back, clearly annoyed that her mom is rushing her. Savannah grabbed her bag and rushed down the stairs to meet her mom waiting at the front door waiting to leave.

The brunette traced symbols into the fogged car window while her mom ordered in the drive thru, Savannah had a physically painful gut feeling but thought she was just nervous for school, as she always was. She never was the best at school and has had horrible experiences with many teachers in the past, it's just become normal for her to walk into school doors feeling horrible about herself.

Savannah's thoughts were short lived as her mom bumped her arm to hand over her drink, "Here" Kathrine said. "Thank you mom" Savannah replied with a huge grin on her face, taking a sip of her drink while the soft Taylor Swift music that was playing on the radio hummed through her head as she looked out of the window, surrounded by her thoughts.


Savannah had just about finished her drink when her mom pulled into the school parking lot. Kathrine gave her daughter a peck on the cheek, "Have a good at honey, i love you!" she said as savannah hopped out of the car and waved her mom off "Love you too!" she said. Kathrine pulled out of the parking lot and Savannah walked into the front doors, but something was different.

eyes went straight to savannah as she walked in, throwing her cup into the trash on the way in. Now, she had always gotten looks at school since she was famous, but these looks weren't little lasted, they intensified. she felt as the entire school had eyes on her.. "Is there something on my face or clothes?" Savannah thought. she started down at herself, nothing.

people whispered to their friends as she went up to her locker to put away her things and get anything she needed for her schedule today. "Hey! Savannah right?" an unknown girl said. "Oh, yeah that's me" Savannah said with an upside down smile. "Perfect, you might know me from social media, I'm one of Leah Sava Jeffries friend's!" The girl said, "Yeah i thought i recognized you! Oakley right?" Savannah replied, the girl was beautiful, so well put together.

"Yep! well, i just wanted to warn you about something, There's these 3 girls who want to fight you. I have an idea why, i'm sure you know why too though.." Oakley spoke. Savannah knew very well why these girls wanted to jump her, Walker Scobell. they must be his crazy fan girls.. "Yeah i think i know too, hey thank you so much for telling me! you're a life saver." Savannah said with a caring smile as Oakley walked away.

"Oh no.." Savannah thought as she looked around, most people turned their attention away from her by now until she caught a girls eye. she was with 2 other girls who were listening as she spoke. She stopped talking, she started getting closer to Savannah. The brunette left everything in her locker and started walking backwards, the other girls pace got faster. Savannah speed-walked around groups of friends to try and make sure these girls didn't catch up to her. They did though.

Just as Savannah thought she was about to get jumped, the staff closet caught her eye and she fasted her pace to reach it, quickly went in and locked the door. Taking a deep breath, She pulled out her phone and texted her mom.

Savannah was glad her mom was coming back but still had no idea how to get a teacher, at this point several people were knocking on the door tell her to come out and to stop being scared

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Savannah was glad her mom was coming back but still had no idea how to get a teacher, at this point several people were knocking on the door tell her to come out and to stop being scared. "What the hell did i even do?" She thought. she sat on the bathroom floor and stared at the ceiling until her mom told her to go to the office.

*RATTLE, SHAKE, RATTLE* she heard shifting of keys on the locked staff bathroom. She was so glad a teacher came to help her. "Get out. Now!" the teacher walked in and pointed her wrinkly finger to the door. Savannah tried explaining but the teacher didn't give her the time of day. "Come with me now. you do know this could get you suspended right?" the teacher said as she made way for savannah to leave.

The two walked down the hall, thankfully everyone was in class at this time so she didn't have anyone giving her death stares. she walked into the office along with the teacher, she knocked on one of the office doors and opened it for Savannah to walk in, before swiftly shutting it again.

In the room were the principal, the 3 girls, and a school officer. Savannahs heart raced as the girls stared at her with disgusted looks. she sat down far enough away from the girls as the principal lectured them.

"If this happens again you 3 girls will be suspended, and next time this happens Savannah, get a teacher instead of hiding." The principal said, Savannah sighed listening to the last part, knowing she would have if she was able to.

The principal told the 3 girls to get back to class and by the time the meeting was over Savannahs mom had already arrived to sign her out. as soon as the 4 girls were out of the room, one of them tried pulling savannahs hair, thankfully, the principal saw before she got the chance to get a grip on her head.

the main girl who tried pulling her hair got suspended for 2 weeks, the other girls 1 week for being involved.

Savannah walked out of the building with her mom as her mom pulled her into a side hug. "im sorry honey, atleast you get to stay home now!" She said, the brunette daughter smiled.


Savannah lie down on her bed, thinking of things to do as it was only 11 am. "Oh i know!" Savannah thought as she grabbed her phone, opened tiktok, and put "savannah dove caddel and walker scobell" into the search bar. "Oh this is gonna be interesting.." Savannah said to herself.

_______ 𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀𓇬⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒 _______

marmars notes:

girly was really about to get beat for no reason!! 😐 anyways this is my longest chapter yet so hope you enjoy!

word count : 1160

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