7 : the premiere

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THE PREMIERE*{ "Wait, so you're the kid who's obsessed with my sister?"}*└───────── °∘ ❉ ∘° ─────────┘

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*{ "Wait, so you're the kid who's obsessed with my sister?"}*
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"Hey Savannah, i have someone i want you to meet.." Ryan came over to her saying before grabbing her hand and dragging her over to him.

Before Savannah could even refuse she was already infront of the tall, dirty blonde boy, followed along by his friends from percy jackson. Savannah knew he was tall, but not this tall.. she's 5'1, 5'4 with heels and he's 5'8, so it was a big difference for her.

"i'll leave you to it!" Ryan said before walking away, leaving Savannah alone with Walker and his friends, that little cu-, Savannah's thoughts were interrupted by a raspy voice speaking above her.

"Hey, i'm walker, you probably know that by now though" Walker said, putting his hand out , Savannah shook his hand and smiled, "yeah i know you pretty well.." She said while laughing, "Thank you for coming! we're glad to have you here." She said, lying straight through her teeth.

Savannah greeted the rest of the percy jackson cast, 3 out of the 5 of them she had already seen. Walker spoke again. "This is gonna sound really weird, but you're very pretty" He said, Savannah smiled at him, but this time it almost wasn't fake..

"Thank you! you're not the hardest to look at either.." she replied, obviously joking around. Walker laughed at her comment and she clearly see a faint blush appear on his cheeks, he was flustered by her presence.. how cute.

The group behind him started talking as Dalton, Savannahs older brother came over and put his hand on his younger sister's shoulder, "Oh hey guys, I'm Dalton, Savannahs older brother. pleasure to meet you!" He said holding out his hand for all of them to shake.

Dalton turned his attention back to walker, "Wait, so you're the kid who's obsessed with my sister?" He asked. Walker chuckled, clearly nervous, "I guess you could say that.." He said, rubbing the back of his neck gently.

"Hey man, i really like you, but know your limits." Dalton said, with a smirk. Walkers eyes widened as he lifted his arms in defense, "bro, chill out" He said. Savannah laughed a little at his comment before she was called over for the screening of the movie.

"I'll see you guys in there!" Savannah said waving the group off with a slight wink and a smile. Walkers heart skipped a beat, his celebrity crush just winked at him.

Walker could feel his cheeks getting warmer as Dalton follow down his sister, patting Walker shoulder on the way.

"I don't think he likes me." Walker said to his friends after Dalton was far away enough to not hear, They laughed. "Oh walker don't over think things already, he'll come around" Leah said.

𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒, walker scobell.Where stories live. Discover now