6 : first sighting

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FIRST SIGHTING*{ "someone caught her eye, but not just someone

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*{ "someone caught her eye, but not just someone.." }*
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!! small tw: physical fighting, mentions of blood and vomit !!


*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the alarm rung, *12:05 AM FRIDAY, MARCH 29th* the clock read. Savannah woke up before the clock could even reach 12:10 am because she needed to take a road trip to new york for the Deadpool premiere, she lived at the bottom of florida so it would take almost 19 hours to get there by car. She didn't mind though, she was glad she would be getting out of the house today because she had been rotting in bed for the past few days due to the intense criticism towards her.

Savannah grabbed her bags and threw the into the trunk along with the rest of her family's belongings and sat in the middle row next to her older brother, Dalton.

Once they left the driveway, Savannah put on her headphones and started playing Mitski to fall asleep as she needed rest for the premiere..

Now playing.. I Bet on Losing Dogs, Mitski.


"Please, don't do this.. I'll stay away from him i swear!" Savannah says as she backs away slowly, sliding on the ground in her now ripped up dress.

"i don't think that's good enough for me." The unknown girl said as she kicked Savannah right in the nose, leaving her slowly blacking out and vomiting from the intense crying.

Savannah curled up into a ball in her own vomit and blood, and gripped her nose as her entire body felt like it was being electrocuted, last thing she remembers was blacking out.


"SAVANNAH!" Dalton yells out at his sister, hands on her shoulders. Savannah woke up sweating and immediately started bawling into her brothers arms.

"I'm sorry, i keep having nightmares.. what if they find our address???" Savannah says, she had another nightmare about people torturing her for something that wasn't her fault, The confession.

"Savannah, that's never gonna happen, you're gonna be okay. i'll make sure of that." Dalton says comforting his sobbing sister. She sat up from his shoulder as her mom opened her car door.

"Oh thank God you're awake baby, i'm so sorry did you have another nightmare?" Her mom, Kathrine asks while gently placing a kiss on Savannahs forehead. "Yeah i'm sorry.." She replied. "Don't be, it's not your fault." Kathrine said as she gave her a big hug before going back to her seat in the front of the car.

Savannah took a deep breath before zoning out looking out of the window, heart still beating thinking about her reoccurring nightmares. Why was this happening to her?

She never believed in foreshadowing but this had to mean something for it to keep coming back. She sighed pulling out a book to distract herself from her own thoughts.


She arrived at her hotel room in New York at 5 pm, she had her own room for once too! it was beautiful and she was very grateful for it. yet, she didn't have enough time to take it all in due to the fact she needed to get ready, the premiere started at 8 pm!

Savannah had just left the shower and was drying her hair when she heard a knock at her door, she opened it slightly to take a peek at who it was before fully opening the door, it was Leah Sava Jeffries, Olivea Morton, and Oakley Hayes!

"Oh my goodness! I was not expecting you guys!" She said as the 3 girls asked to come inside, Savannah welcomed them in with a smiled. Turns out they had been invited alongside Walker, ugh walker..

"Can we get ready with you?!" Olivea asked. "Yes of course!!" Savannah happily replied, bringing the trio into her bathroom to get ready.

"It's really nice to meet you Savannah, but i think we both know what we need to talk about." Oakley said, applying her mascara gently, Savannah stopped her eyeshadow and sighed at the girls comment.

"Listen, i don't mind the fact he likes me, to be honest i think it's cute! but i don't know if im ready to see his face tonight.." Savannah said, "That's so valid, i would be too but he's so sweet i think you should talk to him!" Leah replied. Savannah went back to her makeup and nodded her head at Leah's response.


7:55 pm, the premiere was about to start and Savannah was so ready to walk on the carpet and stun the people who doubted her in the previous days.

"5 minutes everyone! remember your success on this film and go out there and do your best!" the director said to us before they opened the doors for us to get on the carpet. Ryan walked out first as the crowd of paparazzi went into uproar, Savannah was right behind him, posing for the pictures.

An interviewer called her over to answer a few short questions, she happily went over to him as the camera man started recording. The questions were going great until he got to the last one.

"What's your relationship status with the actor, Walker Scobell?" The interviewer asked. Savannah chuckled, clearly a little nervous. "Well, i've never met him actually, i'm sure he's amazing though. i'm looking forward to seeing him tonight to be exact!" Savannah said, except, she was dreading seeing him.

The interviewer was happy with her answer as she went back to walking on the carpet, reaching the end after a while.

Just as she thought she didn't have to talk to anyone anymore, someone caught her eye, but not just someone..

"Walker." Savannah gritted her teeth.

"Hey Savannah, i have someone i want you to meet.." Ryan came over to her saying before grabbing her hand and dragging her over to him.

_______ 𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀𓇬⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒 _______

marmars notes:

i hope this chapter made sense but if it doesn't here's some context. so basically, savannah has been having reoccurring dreams of people on the internet finding out her personal information, as she's already seen it done before. in her dream she is fighting with these girls who are crazy walker "fangirls" that want to see her suffer for "taking their man".. hope this makes sense but next chapter is when they meet so be excited! 😛

word count : 1057

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