Chapter 28:The First Day Ends

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"Let the meeting commence. " Alfred Dawkins says.


"Oop uh oh. Sorry, I am late headmaster. I had to deal with some students who got into a scuffle earlier" Aisaki Hanami The Federations lieutenant of squad 4 arrives.

"Ah yes, I am glad that you are here Ms.Hanami this information will also be precious for The Federation"

"Of course" Aisaki salutes to Alfred.

"Moving forward with this meeting. It's been brought to my attention that there is a traitor amongst us"

The group of professors talk amongst themselves.

"Do we know who the perpetrators are? Do we have evidence?" professors shout out.

"Yes, a physical and two eyewitnesses. From trustworthy sources. From here on I will be enforcing more strict restrictions on the academy."

"How were they able to get through the barrier Alfred." Professor Kayneth speaks. "Amongst all of us, you should be the top if not the top defensive mage well known for his creation of barrier and defense spells and you let it slip past you?"

Some professors agree with the other half disagreeing.

"Changing the subject what we do know it involves the Twelve Stars" Celeste speaks up.

"Then isn't not wise for them to participate in the Magus Exam let alone the Aiz Magnificent Magic Games?" Another professor adds on. "Should we even have these events at all due to the increase of activities from the Phantom Order?"


"Rest assured staff of Aurora Saint Academy The Federation is working on them as we speak. If an event like this were to happen again I will notify them to arrive on the scene." Aisaki says to the teachers.

"With that being said when I checked all professors were in their classes teaching, moreover there would be no way for the perpetrator to be within school walls" Alfred speaks. "I dont want to keep you here now. Just a heads up keep the school safe and most importantly the students safe. And if anyone dares mess with the school-


The whole room begins to shake from the pressure Alfred gives.

"Meeting over," Alfred says as he sends off the teachers.

"This is some real serious business," Taz says.


"What is it, Ariana?'

"Am trying to think of the magic each teacher possesses and the probability of them being the culprit." Ariana wonders.

"Professor Randall Deximer can be removed as his magic involves touching the solid surface Headmaster would've been notified" Taz responds.

"Kazarian Kayneth" Celeste speaks.

"Wow, you're quick with it Ms.Carmen." Ariana

"Wouldn't think of him."

"What the Headmaster said is right we were all teaching but what if the person gave the information regarding the barrier before school started."

"Never thought of that," Ariana says.

"You put a lot of thought into it"

Celeste shrugs her shoulders.

"Whoever this person may be very familiar with how this school works. Let alone know about the underground passage."

"The real question is how they brought that person in," Taz asks. "Another good one is should we trust The Federation lieutenant in all of this? She stays within that room the majority of the time she's here doing who knows."

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