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The Next Afternoon...

Nia stretched as she pulled the sheet around her to cover her bare upper half. She was still kinda tired, and her lower half was kinda sore if she was being honest.

Jade walked into the room, carrying clothes and a towel.

"Ah, sleeping beauty your awake" said Jade.

Lina sat up taking the sheets with her.

"What time is it" asked Lina.

"Like 3:30 almost 4" answered Jade.

"I can't believe I sleep that long" said Lina.

"I mean, sleep was the one thing we didn't do last night" said Jade.

Lina laughed at her before bringing her sitting on the corner of the bed.

"I brought you some clothes, they are technically my brothers he left them the last time he stayed over" said Jade.

"Thank you. I'm going to hop in the shower. My legs are sore" said Lina

"You're welcome beautiful. Join me downstairs when you're finished. I'll make something to eat" said Jade.

Lina got up her body now uncovered. Jade stared for a minute, before licking her lips.

"You know a second shower doesn't sound that bad." said Jade.

"Feel free to join me,only if I can return last night's pleasure" said Lina.

Jade smiled and they made their way to the bathroom.

40 minutes later....

Jade was at the stove stirring the food in the pan, as Lina looked at her phone.

"That woman is gifted with her tongue" thought Jade.

Lina felt Jade staring at her but didn't acknowledge it as she was busy catching up on texts from her girls.

Trin: Lina! Bitch are you alive?

Ashley: She better be. I need to hear how last night went.

RoRo: What Ashley said!

Lina: I'm alive ladies!

Trin: So she does see our message.

Lina: Fuck off. I wasn't really paying attention to my phone.

Ashley: We know, and we need all the details.

Lina: I'll give you the full story time when I get back.

RoRo: When would that be?

Lina: Give me like 2 hours.

Trin: Bet!! If your ass is not in this suite by 6pm. I'm coming to get you.

Lina laughed as she turn her phone face down as Jade slide a plate across to her.

They made casual conversation as they ate. Jade even rolled them a blunt and the sparked it up after eating.

"Be honest with me. Out of all the people in that club last night why'd you pick me" asked Lina.

"Cause all that ass moving had me in a trance" joked Jade.

Lina hit her.

"I'm just fucking with you. For real though, I've been watching you for a while. Last night I just acted on it." said Jade.

"Mhm, interesting." said Lina.

"Why'd you come over, you could've ignored my advances" asked Jade.

"I was high and tipsy, you were looking good. So  I said let's do it for the plot. It paid off in more ways than one." said Lina.

"That's mutual. You know how to use that tongue of yours. Ms. Fanene." said Jade.

"I can say the same. Couldn't feel my legs this morning" said Lina.

"You're welcome" said Jade.

Lina looked at the time.

"Shit. I have to get back before Trin sends the swat team to retrieve me. But this was fun" said Lina.

"Let me have my driver take you back," said Jade.

Lina gathered her things before they walked to the door. Before Lina stepped in the truck she quickly kissed Jade.

"Thank you for last night Ms. Cargil" said Lina. As she got in and left.


Lina let herself into the suite, and she saw her girls sitting on the couch.

"Finally" said Ashley.

Lina laughed, before she was pulled to the center of the couch.

"First things first. Was it good" asked Trin.

"It wasn't. It was amazing. Like my god that woman is gifted in the bedroom." said Lina.

Lina proceeded to tell them the story of last night. Even the part where she and jade fucked on the balcony after they both woke up at 6 am. Lina even told them how she had Jade in the shower moaning her name.

"Okay...it's giving switch" said Trin.

"Girl, stay off lesbian tiktok. but I've always been like this in relationships. I like to be submissive sometimes" said Lina.

"I'm just happy you got your back cracked like a glow stick like you truly deserve" said Trin.

"Are you guys going to see each other again" asked Ashley.

"Probably not. I didn't even get her number before leaving. and i'm not going to slide in her dms. It was fun for the night though" said Lina.

"So this was truly just for the plot" asked Ro.

"I believe so" said Lina.

Lina got up from her spot as they decided to have a slow evening instead of going out again. They were going to dinner, so she needed to get ready.

Lina stood in the bathroom, waiting for the water to heat up for her to take a quick shower. She checked her instagram, something she rarely did since her release last year.

jadecargill started following you. (5m ago)

just at she was closing the app a message came through.

jadecargill: I hope you didn't think, you were getting away that easy. lock me in (***)***-****.

Lina copied and pasted her number into her messages and sent two words.

Lina: Ms.Cargill

Jade: Ms. Fanene

Lina left her on read from that message as she didn't want to seem desperate.

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