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1 month later... September 2023 (ik the timeline is little fast but i'm just trying to catch it up to the one shot I posted.)

Jade stepped off the plane in Orlando. The news had broke that Jade departed from AEW. So she was currently being bombarded every where she went with fans and questions. It was honestly annoying, she put on her sunglasses and walked out of the airport. Apparently not walking fast enough as she spotted a TMZ worker running towards her.

"Jade Cargill. Nice to see you. Are you here reporting to the WWE performance center" said the reporter.

"I'm tired of all these questions. You guys are like flies. Just know that I will make the best decision for me, that benefits my time and energy. I will only sign with the company that values me the most" said Jade.

She got in the truck in front of her and let out a deep breath. This was exhausting, she laid across the back seat of the truck until she heard the driver tell her she arrived to her destination.

"Thank you. I'll see you at 2 right" said Jade.

The driver nodded and handed Jade her luggage before she walked towards Lina's front door. It was 5 am, and her girlfriend was not a morning person my any means. Jade also didn't tell her that she was coming to town. Then had been apart for a month. Lina busy with work, and Jade with contract negotiations and meetings. Jade missed her girl.

Jade rang the doorbell and waited. Lina didn't answer the door so she rang it again. She heard Lina yelling.

"Who the hell is at my door before sunrise" yelled Lina through the door. It was dark so she couldn't see Jade.

Lina swung the door open,

"Who the fuck-baby!" screamed Lina.

Her expression changed when she saw Jade in a doorway.

Lina kissed her, Jade used the opportunity to grab Lina's ass in her shorts.

"Hey, babygirl. I missed you" said Jade.

Lina moved out of the doorway, and Jade entered her house. This was Jade's second time here. The first was for when they slept together the second time.

"What are you doing here" asked Lina.

"I missed you. So I caught a flight." said Jade.

"I missed you too baby. But you could have told me. I would have picked you up from the airport" said Lina.

"You're fine baby. I wanted to see you. I wasn't going to make you get up early for me" said Jade.

"You know me too well. Come on, I wanna go back to bed"said Lina.

Jade chuckled, and they walked back to the bedroom. Jade stripped of her shirt and was in her sports bra and sweats.

Lina laid in the bed, waiting on Jade. Jade crawled in next to her.

"Before I forget. We are going on a proper date tonight. So don't make any plans" said Jade.

Lina silently nodded, already cuddling into Jade and dozing back off to sleep.

3 hours later....

Jade woke up alone, but she could smell food in the air. Jade pulled herself out of bed and grabbed her phone. Adrienne was still blowing her up almost every day despite Jade making it clear that she didn't want her. So Jade hit decline every time her name popped up on her screen.

Walking into the kitchen, she saw her girlfriend dancing in the kitchen as she plated their breakfast. She just stood there smiling at her.

Lina jumped when she noticed Jade in the corner, make her drop the bowl of pancake batter she had in her hand. It hit the floor and splashed pancake batter on the floor, and on Lina's legs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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