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I walked out of Snape's office after studying to see a young Slytherin who was about my age with his ear to the door.

    "Jerome Timothy Burton!" I whisper yelled. "I know you heard what we were saying, you'd better not tell anyone!"

    Jerome smirked. "Give me the exam answers for Snape's class, and I'll think about keeping your secret."

    I frowned. To be honest, I would rather the whole school know about my heritage, than cheat, or be blackmailed into cheating. "No. That's cheating."

    Jerome's smirk widened. "Say goodbye to your social life, Strand."

    I rolled my eyes. "Like I had one to begin with, Burton."

• • • • •

I walked into the great hall for dinner, and everyone's eyes were on me. I saw Potter, all the Weasleys, and Granger inch avoiding eye contact with me as if I was some monster. I tried to sit with Cedric, but Jasper Kravington slid where I usually sat, and took up as much room as humanly possible.

    Jasper smirked "Sorry mate, there's not room for you here."

    Cedric looked sympathetic, and tried to get Jasper to let me sit with them, but Jasper argued with him. "Really? You're defending her? Her father is a bloody traitor. He betrayed Potter's parent. To sit with her is practically treason."

    Cedric glared at him, and got up. "Come on kid, it's too crowded here anyway. We can eat somewhere else." He grabbed his plate, and a plate for me. He filled the plates with our favorite foods, and we ate our food out in the hall.

    "This is practically social suicide for you. Isn't it, Ced?" I half joked while crunching on some grapes.

    Cedric laughed. "Nah, I could be a death eater, or become a creepy, obsessive, predatory vampire, and girls would still think I'm the coolest thing since sliced bread." 

    I nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right... girls can be so shallow sometimes."

    He shoved me playfully. "Hey!"

    I smirked. "You basically said it first. I just simplified it."

    He laughed. "My point is, I could be literally the worst person ever, and I'd still be popular. And even if I wasn't popular, it wouldn't be the end of the world."

   "Thanks, Ced. You're a good friend." I smiled.

    He pulled me into a hug. "I don't care if your dad did something bad, he doesn't define you. You're not your parents, so people shouldn't judge you by who birthed you..." he paused, seeming to think for a second. "or, who made the birth possible."

    I laughed. "Why don't you just say it? They fucked. You don't have to be so PG about it. I know how babies are made."

   He looked at me, a little shocked. "Maybe you're comfortable with that kind of talk, but I don't really like using curse words unless I really want to make a point. Plus, I know Snape hates cussing too."

    I sighed. "You have a point. A stupid one, but a point."

    We ate the rest of our meal in silence.

• • • • •

I sat down in the common room, getting ready to read a book. I felt the all too familiar feeling of someone's eyes on me, so I looked up. I saw almost all the Hufflepuffs were looking at me, as if I was a wild animal that should be caged. I glared back at them and went to my bed, hiding from the prying eyes of those assholes.

I finished reading my book in my bed, and I turned off the light, and went to sleep. I made a mental note to get up before everyone else so I could get ready for the day without anyone glaring at me like I killed a bunch of people.

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