Jumpscare Prank (Punched) // Aaron, Sam & Colby

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This isn't Colby Brock's first prank he's gone through with, not even close. He's performed countless of them on just about anyone. Which is why It definitely won't be his last either. That vital fact doesn't change the childish thrill he feels while pulling them, however. They always bring a giddy smile to his face.

He'd just never expected that giddy smile to fall, never had seen the possibility of one going so badly, never expected his luck to run out. He supposes that it is his fault though, that he should've been more careful. Planned it all out better.


Pranks, you either loved them or you hated them, loved pulling or being on the receiving end of them or hated them.

He's amidst pulling one on a roommate of his at the moment, has bracketed himself in a closet. Waiting for his moment to jump out and spook the other. Quietly he breathes through his costume mask, the pearly plastic material gleaming in the dim light. On queue air puffs from his nose whistling out of the slight holes meant for his nostrils as he barely contains his own amusement. He tells himself that he has to, he can't give in to the merriment he feels, tells himself that he can't be laughing too loudly if he hopes of not giving away himself or the prank. Especially considering the fact that Aaron doesn't know he'd stayed home, that he's here at all. That Aaron's under the impression that there's no one home, even though Colby knows that nobody is here except for him and Aaron and him and Aaron only. He'd like to keep it that way, would like to keep the other unaware of his presence until he can undergo the plan he'd set for his prank.

That'll probably change shortly, he's guessing Aaron'll know someone's here soon enough, keywords - Aaron will know someone is here but not that it's him necessarily. If the plan goes how Colby wants it to and he can jump out at the right time with his mask on then Aaron won't know it's him, the other will be in for the shock of his life. At least that's what he's aiming for, he's hoping it doesn't all go south, that he'll at the very least be able to get an entertaining reaction out of his friend.

At the mere thought of it Colby barely manages to stifle his laughter as the closest door he's behind, Sam's closet door, slams to a close by his own hand. He's hiding out in his friend's room, making as much noise and clatter as possible so as to alert his friend, Aaron. Once done with creating all the ruckus, he'll jump out into the hallway at the other, masked and all, just to scare the ever-living shit out of his friend.

It seems like a good enough plan for him, sounds promising even. If asked, Colby would have to say that it really wasn't his fault for coming up with it either. Wasn't his fault that Sam, Kat, Elton, Corey, and Jake had decided to leave for the time being, or that they were all gone at the moment. Wasn't his fault that now it only happened to be he and Aaron at home. Yeah, It wasn't his fault but it sure as hell was convenient for him.

If anything, the pranks cause fell on them. They couldn't seriously have not have expected him to come up with something to pass the time. Especially knowing that he'd been itching to get someone back after they'd pulled that icy hot prank on him.

Right, it wasn't his fault he wanted to get back at them. Plus all's fair in the Traphouse during the prank wars they hold. So yeah, getting back at his friends after all of the jokes they'd pulled on him lately seems good enough for him, after all, It's only fair.

Having zoned out due to his thoughts, Colby shakes his head, dispersing his thoughts as he focuses on the task at hand, realizing how shaky his camera work is. Immediately he angles the camera better, acknowledging how his filming skills could use some work, due to how shaky his hands are with adrenaline. There's not much time to reflect on it though since In that moment, Colby hears the sound of Aaron's bedroom door creaking open, the man stepping out of the bedroom's doorway and into the hallway. There's the sound of footsteps trekking about for a second then a soft call of,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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