Requests // Ideas

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Hello, I'm Laci, and here's the first installment I have of Colby Brock One-Shots!

So far I have thirty-nine One-Shots that'll be posted for this book. And twenty-nine so far in my other installment of Colby One-Shots. However, while I work on publishing those drafts I do want to make it clear that I do take requests. And I'd actually really appreciate any. So if you have any please let me know! I'd gladly write them.

A quick fair warning though that some of the one-shots I come up with may be triggering for some. Or they may deal with certain topics that aren't suitable for everyone. So please just be mindful of that and know that It's perfectly okay to skip over any one-shots that might deal with more serious topics or issues if you aren't comfortable reading them.

I do write a lot of Angst,





And I write a lot of one-shots that deal with heavier topics such as the first chapter. So I'd just like to make that clear ahead of time.

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