Ledges // Sam & Colby

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Originally, It'd seemed like just another inconsequential video idea for them, just another title they could add to their ongrowing channel. The title and video idea wasn't something any of them even batted an eye at, despite the fact that it was labeled as Jumped Off A 1,000 ft Cliff W/ Sam, Colby, & Corey. It wasn't surprising or shock-worthy to them because they did plenty of shock-worthy videos or stunts within their videos.

But maybe they should have, maybe they should have batted an eye at it. Should've thought better of it. Perhaps the Traphouse should have known that this wasn't just any other inconsequential videos of theirs, but something more.

That this video was anything but inconsequential, that it would end up turning out to be a cry for help. But they hadn't known that beforehand, and in turn they hadn't known that they'd just given Colby the perfect setup, the perfect outing of this life if Colby decided to take it either.

They hadn't known they'd be talking Colby away from the ledge by the end of filming for it, but then again they hadn't known just how close to the edge of life Colby already was.

They hadn't known any of it and that would later prove to be a problem.


If there was one thing to know, one single unique thing about Colby Brock, it would be that he loved feeling closer to the sky. He'd do just about anything to bring him closer to it.

It was that love for the sky, that adoration for being up high was something he loved, which many saw as unusual. He didn't blame them, he knew that his love wasn't exactly shared. Knew that it stayed him apart from numerous people, that as far as heights went, his love for them left him as an outlier against others who had enough sense to stay away from them.

He gets it, he comprehends that heights were often times seen as scary, that heights are scary. Understands that it was why many people in his life didn't have the same love for heights as he did, many told him that he was crazy for having as such. And the thing was he couldn't even place why he loved them so much.

But then again he supposes that isn't true either. Colby Brock may not know the main reason he holds heights so dear but he thinks he could conjure up a multitude of reasons as to why if given the chance. One of them being the rush, he lived for the dizzying rush he'd feel in his head as he'd be standing atop of something, looking down below him. Nothing could rival the feeling he felt while being up so high, nothing had ever reminded him of how perishable he was though either. It was a feeling that left him feeling both high and low.

But Colby didn't mind it, he never did, after all, the feeling - It was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. The emotion that heights left him with was better than any other coping mechanism he'd picked up as of yet. It beat the vaping, topped the late-night tweets, beat the compulsive work-outs he used just to distract himself even, it beat it all, really.

He couldn't claim that it didn't. Part of him thinks that it always would be better than any means of coping he had. But then again that same part of him that said as such, that very part of him that hungered for heights also was the side of him that questioned countless of times what it would be like to just let himself leap from the edge. So he'd learned not to listen to it.

He couldn't dispute it though, couldn't deny that he did love heights, regardless of whether they made him question such things or not. The feeling that being up so high brought to him would always beat just about anything in his mind. The adrenaline rush he always felt this way was unobtainable any other way, nothing else could compare. Nothing else helped him more than this, not more than the air swirling through his brunette strands of hair, body losing its tension, damn Colby fucking loved heights.

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