{the subway] -1-

846 3 20

Poob and pest don't speak much but they know each other exist, pest is known for stealing from partys, and poob makes them.

(Poob pov:)

Sometimes I like to sit and wait for the train to stop so I could get to my house, but after that meteor shower, I don't think I have the sanity to go back, incase more shower down. Split and prototype have tried to cheer me up, although someone programmed prototype to make your dad getting the milk jokes, trust me. We all wanna know who.

I see pest, a slow still like creature. He usually gets mad whenever I stare at him for 5 seconds or more. I try and look away in time but I hear him growl. He slowly walks up to me and grabs me by my collar.

Pest: ワイー・ザー・ファック・ワー・ユー・ステアリング・アット・ミー (why the fuck were you staring at me.)

You try and explain but you talk too fast and he has an annoyance of an expression and drops you.

You swiff off the dirt of the concrete path you fell on, you felt a bit guilty about the encounter. Wondering if it was your fault or not.

(Pests pov)

I saw the annoying little noob Sit down like a depressing cat. Not that I cared anyways. Although I had a little sympathy, xis house was meteor showered on.

The noob stares at me, probably analyzing me. (Time skip bcuz I'm js so awkward)

The train finally passes, you didn't realize though. Poob looks at you for a second and glares back down. You shrug it off and sit by the rail roads, kicking your legs as you look for the light.

(Poob pov:)

You look at him kicking his legs, it was honestly a little cute. You look for the light aswell, then finally seeing it. "Ooo! Train!" You yell and stand up, pest does the same. Just without the speaking. He comes over to you and grabs you by the collar for the second time. But he's keeping you up, and as the train doors open he goes in with you still in hand. It was like he thought you were weightless.

Pest put me one seat away from him, he likes his personal space. His position was like a bored kid at school, his eyes squinted as he waited for his stop.

The conductor announced another stop, pests eyes perked up a bit, more relaxed. He gets ready and grabs me again, the train then soon stops. He gets up and turns sideways to get through the door with me. He takes me toward an apartment, maybe his or a friend's. As we go inside, we get up some stairs until the final floor. He walks in after using his keys and then drops me on his large couch. He then grabs a big blanket that would be able to cover me

Pest: "ドーント・メーク・イット・ウィアド・オー・サムシング..." (don't make it weird or anything...) he walks to a room and closes the door, a few minutes later the shower was turned on. Poob stayed as quiet as he could, slowly but surely falling asleep. Much later he felt a bit of steam exiting with a door, poob closes his eyes incase pest came anywhere near in his vision.

Pest: "アー・アイ・カーント・ウェート・ター・ゴー・ター・スリープ" (ugh I can't wait to go to sleep) he muttered under his breath.

As pest got ready you had already fell asleep, he came back out and stared at you. He left again to sleep, and the night took over.

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