Req!! 🎀 a snowy trail ❄️

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(Idgaf it's not Christmas)(My art btw :D)

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(Idgaf it's not Christmas)
(My art btw :D)

Pest was walking in the freezing cold, snow twinkled down in gusts. His hair covered in tons of snowflakes, his nose a reddish pink.

He saw a bright light in the distance, hopefully somebody could take him in from the freezing cold. As he got closer he realized it was an apartment. "Damn it.." he hissed under his breath.

He reached the glass doors surrounded by the snow, he used his boots to sweep the piles away before opening the door. He knew this was poob's apartment complex, so he decided to go the floor poob was at. "1..25..?" He thought and decided to trust his instinct. He walked into the elevator, the warmth from it made his spine shiver.

A ding was heard a minute later. Arriving to the 120's floor. (Each floor was 10 apartments so don't come after me for logic)  he walked to the 5th in the row, Knocking softly (his knuckles hurt due to the cold pain)

"Hm?! O! Haii pest!" Poob exclaimed after opening the door, "dang u lok kinda... cold."
Pest didn't say anything, besides shivering from the icy snow turning into water. Poob invited him in, pest gracefully stepped in.

Poob took him over to the couch, where they wrapped a blanket around pest "r u ok?" They asked as they watched pest shiver. "Aha! I now!! U need warmth!!"

Uh shit, gimme ideas for the leading up to smut part and I'll fucking add them maybe, poob is dom if I'm correct 🤟🤟🤟

Regretavator| partybeetle 🎉🪲 (smut soon)Where stories live. Discover now