{the apartment} -2-

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They had been frenemies for a long time, well, one sided friend, one sided enemy.)

3rd person pov:

Poob woke up, his body warm from the multiple blanket layers.

"Wer... am I?" Poob said
(Yesterday was a blur for them)

Poob lifted the blankets, stumbling to the floor as their feet were still weighed under the blanket. Pest opened his bedroom door as he saw poob face planted to the carpet.
Pest: "ウォット・ザー・ヘル・ハペンド (what the hell happened..?-"
"I faceplanted to the flor!!!" They said as if they was drunk (they aren't)
Pest sighed and picked poob up, "let's get you washed up."
Pest took poob to the bathroom where he gave them the stuff to bathe or shower, before closing the door pest told poob not to go into the kitchen without his permission. He knew poob would gobble everything he has saved up.

Pests POV

"OKaII!!" I heard poob say before closing the door hearing tons of thumps and bangs already, were they that clumsy.?? If they were, I'm sure they'd have a tons of bruises and cuts.

[time skip] (3rd person pov)

Poob was out with a towel around their waist, it was most likely they had a hot shower. Based on the steam coming out the bathroom. "ホット (hot)" he said with a tint of red
"Huh?" Poob replied "nothing."

Pest couldn't stop staring at poob all day. Their curly hair, their bright big eyes, their cute laugh, and their beautiful smile. He couldn't stop thinking of poob, weirdly enough he just started liking him now, thinking if it was wrong "shut up.. you don't like them that way.." he thought to himself, but he knew it wasn't true

Poob sometimes caught pest glancing from the other side of the room when they were talking to someone. Sometimes it was mean glance to the person they were talking to. Now poob was getting materials ready for a party, pest obviously chimed in because of poob. Helping him with apple fritters. He told poob it was because he didn't want his horn blowing every 30 seconds after he says no. But we all know that's a lie.

(Cuz I'm lazy)

Pest finally received an invitation to the party he helped bake food for.

"Meat! At apartment At 7!" -poob

Pest chuckled at their dumb handwriting and grammar. Crumbling the paper into his pocket, and getting ready for about 30 minutes. It was about 7:05 when he finished.

He rushed over to get to the elevator and kept spamming the button to make the elevator close and finally move to poob's floor.

-time skips cutely-

The party had FIBALLY begun, everyone
showed up (once again) and got the party started. Pest and poob sat on the small couch together since another was being used to gangbang somebody.................. (that's too awkward for me to continue on that)

Time ticked by and the party never seemed to end. Pest was overstimulated by everything going on, some sweat dripped as the beetle clenched his teeth, he was spellbind to the flashing colors and loud music. But he kept together for poob. He fidgeted with his fingers of the bottom arms, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths.

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