(8) Encounter, again.

295 23 3

Idk anything about the dialogue.

Writing at 1 am rn.

And fyi, it's gonna be dry as hell.

Night was soon approaching and Venti still didn't get caught, somehow

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Night was soon approaching and Venti still didn't get caught, somehow.

"Psst! Hey, Rayne?" The ravenette whisper yelled to his roommate that was trying to sleep.

"Hm? What is it?" The older male asked, 'half-asleep' in his bunny pyjamas.

"Are you asleep yet?"



But right in the middle of the night,
Venti went out of the room with Dvalin in his hands, wanting to go to the bathroom.

And it was the perfect opportunity for Rayne to change into his uniform because he knows that Venti would take atleast an hour.

And stuffed some other things from his bed onto his pyjamas to trick Venti into thinking he was there and asleep.

Thinking that he was 'dumb'

And another reason is that he didn't want him in danger, the third reason is... Headmaster Wahlberg's order.

-with Venti-

Whilst Venti was walking back in the corridor to the bathroom, he saw a glimpse of yellow and black hair coloured boy heading towards a certain corridor.

'Curiousity killed the cat.'

And so, he followed Rayne, but not before changing, who would want to encounter a student that was wearing a pyjama that had an Anemo symbol with stripes of cyan which represented a bird.

-Somehwere else-

"Achoo! Excuse me, Lord Morax?"
A certain male said with raven haired boy with medium hair length and cyanish ends.


Whilst going into the 'hidden' door, he felt wind going his direction, and suddenly turned to the source, only to find no one.

When he turned back, he was face-to-face with an upside down Venti and Dvalin that could somehow float with the help of the wind.

Rayne was unfazed but his ears deceived him.

"What are you doing here up this late?"

"Then what are you doing here?"

The ravenette countered with a cheeky smile.

"You can tag along."

Venti didn't even need to plead with his puppy dog eyes, Rayne had long accepted defeat.


Rayne waved his wand and the 'hidden' door opened in an instant.

"Wow. You're really strong Rayne-"

𝙼𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝒽𝒾𝓂| ☆ Venti!Oc x Mashle ☆| Where stories live. Discover now