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3rd Person POV

Y/N woke up, groaning quietly. (They didn't really feel too sorrowful anymore, given Lucifer calming them down after their nightmare they had last night.)

They looked over and saw peacefully sleeping Lucifer, and smiled softly.

"Alright, come on buddy, wake up." They said, shaking Lucifer.

"I don't wannnaaaaaaaaaaa..." The fallen angel complained, shuffling around.

Y/N sighed. "Lucifer, wake the fuck u—"

Angel bursted into Y/N's room, yelling, "YO, Y/N STOP FUCKING LUCIFER AND GET OUTSIDE!"

That managed to wake Lucifer up, as he sat up, and Angel was already gone by now.

Y/N grabbed Lucifer's arm, dragging his tired ass out of the room and the two reached the lobby.

They looked around, and saw... someone who looked oddly similar to them.

Y/N let go of Lucifer's arm, and their heart had started to pace.

No... it couldn't be.

Why is that monster here?

Lucifer looked up at them in worry, then saw who they were staring at.

"Y/N? Do you know that person?" Lucifer asked them.

"I, um, I... gotta go." They randomly said, speed-walking towards the door and opened it, stepping out and closing the door, leaving the hotel and went to their old apartment.

They unlocked their door with their keys, instantly opening it and slammed it once they stepped inside, locking it and went in their room, eventually locking that door too.

Y/N shook off their shoes, instantly going for their bed and sat on it, taking deep breaths.

"It's okay, it's okay. Your fucking father just RANDOMLY decided to try to be redeemed, even though he has NO FUCKING CHANCE. BREATHE. BREATHE. WHO AM I FUCKING KIDDING?! ARGGGGHHHH." Y/N groaned; why on Hell would their FATHER be here? Did he know he most likely didn't have a chance, given he'd probably never even try to solve his sins? Fuck, he might even hurt the staff too!

Y/N didn't have time to think about that, though. They were too stressed, and it's even worser that the person who ruined their whole childhood is trying to stay at the hotel to be redeemed?


They eventually calmed down, and went on their phone, doing what they always did.


Lucifer was a little worried about Y/N, since they literally just walked out the door as if they didn't know what they were even doing.

The fallen angel then focused his eyes on the [demon/anthropomorphic animal] they were staring at, and... they looked like someone oddly similar to Y/N.

As Lucifer's eyes were fixed a little more on the light, he then realized it was a man, and he looked like an older version of Y/N.

Lucifer wondered why Y/N had gotten so afraid that he caused them to leave the hotel once the guy even set foot in the hotel. Did the man perhaps.. traumatize Y/N in their life on Earth? As Lucifer started to wonder, he maaaaaaaaayy have started to assume that this [demon/anthropomorphic animal] DID in fact ruin Y/N's life, which got him a bit... angry.

Lucifer growled, and he could feel his demon features appearing, quickly calming down his fuming state and put them away, sighing and a red dust appeared around him, consuming the fallen angel and he disappeared.


Y/N was now reading a book, unaware a certain fallen angel literally spawned right infront of their eyes since they were wearing noise-canceling headphones.

Lucifer tapped them on the shoulder, causing them to jump just a tiny bit.

When they looked up, they saw Lucifer wave to them, and they took off the headphones. "What are you doing here?" They asked.

Lucifer sat down with on Y/N's bed, and leaned on their shoulder, touching their hand with his. "Just... worried. You don't randomly walk out on everyone, especially me, like that."

Y/N sighed. "It was nothing. Just the bitch who ruined my whole fucking life on Earth, that's all. He deserves to be in Hell anyways..."

Lucifer was... shocked to hear Y/N say that in their calmest voice; usually they'd sound somewhat bothered saying something like that.  "'That's all'? Y/N, if he ruined your whole life, how would that be okay to you?" Lucifer asked, looking at them with genuine worry.

Y/N shrugged. "It's not like this is the first time," They said, drowsily.

Lucifer could tell that his [boyfriend/partner/girlfriend] was trying to keep a straight face on, so he simply hugged them, hearing small sniffles from them. "I'll always love you, Y/N. You know you don't have to hide anything from me." 

"You didn't have to hide that small little crush you had on me, too." Y/N teased, earning a kiss on the cheek from the fallen angel. 

"What book are you reading?" Lucifer asked. 

"Wings of Fire. Surprised that Hell even has books copied from Earth," Y/N shrugged. (If you guys have read WoF then you'll know what the inspiration for Y/N's visions were from)

Lucifer humed, sighing. "You know, sometimes I think about what would happen if I never.. you know—fell." He said sadly. "Maybe things would be different."

"Then I'd never meet the most handsome fallen angel ever," Y/N flirted, having a smug grin on their face. 

Lucifer's face turned a bit red, but he pushed it aside. "Love you, Y/N," He said, rubbing their finger. 

"I love myself, too." Y/N replied smugly, earning a soft smack from Lucifer. "Okay, I love you too, Mr. I-want-my-[boyfriend/partner/girlfriend]-to-say-they-love-me-too." 

Lucifer chuckled, closing his eyes, still leaning on Y/N's shoulder. 

The two fell asleep with each other peacefully. 

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