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3rd Person POV

It's been a few weeks since we last left off on our lovely couple, and all was well.

Right now, Y/N and Lucifer were sitting on the couch in the main lobby: Lucifer was snuggled up on Y/N's lap sleeping peacefully, and Y/N was sleeping on the cousin.

Charlie was walking down the stairs, still in her pajamas, noticing the two who were asleep on the couch.

The hellborn had stared at the two in awe, then grabbed her phone and took a quick selfie of the two.

Angel was sitting on a chair near the couch, looking on his phone, and got a notification from his boss, Valentino. "Hey, I'ma head out." Angel said, getting up and opened the door, giving Husk a little wink, then looking back at everyone else. "I'll be back before you know it. Boss said only two hours today." Angel added, then left, closing the door.

"Bye Angel!" Charlie called.

Y/N woke up since Charlie had yelled, yawning quietly. They looked down at Lucifer and smiled, rubbing circles around his head, listening to the quiet snores they heard Lucifer make.

Ack—There it was again; the vision that Y/N got about Lucifer being harmed. They'd been getting the same vision more often now—it was so often that they started to get headaches from it.

They sighed quietly, careful not to wake up Lucifer.

Y/N then went back to sleep, only to be awoken by more shit they wouldn't be wanting to deal with.


What the— Y/N thought, being awoken as they were grabbed by... an angel? An... exorcist angel.

They looked to the side and didn't see Lucifer, suddenly panicking, looking around the lobby for Lucifer.

They saw... Charlie being blocked by two exorcists, spears were pointed at her if she dared move, and she was crying. Vaggie was pinned down onto the ground, and an exorcist Y/N knew, Lute, had a spear pointed right at her head. Alastor, Husk, Niffty, and Angel were all in a corner backed up together, with about ten exorcists pointing every type of angelic-weapon you can think of.

Then... they spotted Lucifer.

He was on knees, his arms were held by two exorcists, and a figure stood in front of him.

Y/N looked at the figure, studying them, and it looked like... LILLITH?!

She held an angelic-gun, and it was pointed at Lucifer's head.

Y/N's breath had hitched.







Do something! They thought.

They tried to get out of the exorcist's grasp, but it was no use.

They too had started to cry like Charlie, still trying to break free.

Looks like Vaggie's 'out for love' thing didn't really do any good for them.

"MOM! PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!" Charlie cried. She wanted to move, but one step could be her last.

Lillith, Charlie's mother, didn't listen, and Y/N looked at her hand, then saw her finger slowly pull the trigger.


Lucifer's head slowly started to drop, the wound that Lillith had sent in his head started to pour out with golden blood.

"NO!" Every demon yelled.

Lucifer's head then hanged over his body, the exorcists had let his arms go, letting the dead fallen angel bleed out, lying dead.

Y/N could feel their [eye/s] being filled with waterfalls, crying.

"Our business here is done. Let this be a warning to you, Charlie. If any redeemed souls come in Heaven, I won't hesitate to kill them MYSELF." Lillith said, waving her hand, all the exorcists had let go of the ones they had grabbed and followed Lillith out the door, a portal not far away as they all flew in.

Charlie started to cry, Vaggie and the others had surrounded her, comforting the princess.

But Y/N... they only walked over to Lucifer's dead body, and looked at him, their tears falling on his face.

They bent down, and gave the dead fallen angel a tight hug, sobbing, "You were the only one I had left. Why? Why.."


Y/N woke up, panting heavily, tears surrounded their eyes.

Lucifer looked up at them, as he was awoken by them, and saw the stressed [demon/anthropomorphic animal] gripping their chest, breathing heavily.

Lucifer had scared Y/N, as he suddenly hugged them, whispering, "It was just a nightmare. You're okay."

Y/N had probably fallen asleep because of Lucifer rubbing circles on their back, and also with his soothing voice, as they had been silent.


April Fools' yall :3 Also, for those who skipped to the end, to sum it up, Y/N just had a nightmare about Lucifer dying

Also this is counted as a fake chapter, so don't be confused when I post the next one and it says "11" :D

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