Jack's Frost

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My hands were clasped tightly together in my lap. Sweaty and shaking. My heart was racing like crazy and I had no idea of what to do with myself. I was in a car, HIS car. How in the world did it go from glancing at him from a distance to riding in the passenger side of his car. A nice car at that. I was so wrapped up in my panicking I hadn't taken the time to realize where I was or where we were going. I did a quick check to make sure he wasn't looking at me while he was driving and once in the clear i began to check out the car. My eyes traced every detail of his car.The car was lined with black leather knitted together with white stitching. He had a large screen planted in the middle right in front of the shifter which displayed his music that was playing and a variety of options for him to choose from to appeal to his liking of sound and quality. I gasped in amazement. I looked over to the steering wheel ignoring the fact that there was another body in the car watching  me. The logo of chevrolet shined in the middle of the wheel which let me know where the car was coming from at least. I've always had a thing for chevy's the first car I drove was a chevy and I fell in love with it after I heard the hum of the engine. My eyes continued to gaze around the car and I began to search.

There was a small box of CD's laid near the middle armrest and I didn't hesitate to grab it. I quickly opened up the case and skimmed through the variety that I had access to. I stopped  short when I saw Justin Timberlake 20/20 album. A small smile crept up on my lips as I remembered listening to his songs when Marcus would come over to talk to me. Justin was one of his favorite artists and he would always have one of his CD's Playing whenever we talked. I grazed my finger over the edges  of the disc  lost in thought. I really had missed those days. it's really hard not to think about it no matter how hard i try to forget i just can't. i heaved out a heavy sigh and pulled out the disc to look at what songs were on it. Before i could fully pull it out a Large  hand reached over and gently pulled the disc away. I looked up to the rosey red eyes I'm always mesmerised by and a sweet smile. I had almost forgotten he was in the car with me. I quickly shot my hands back into my lap and stared out the window shaking nervously. I felt my heart flutter after seeing his smile and i felt the tempeture in the car suddenly get warmer." I didn't mean to s-snoop im s-sorry." I managed to speak but of course it came out in a stutter. I mentally face palmed myself and forced my gaze out the window just in enough time to see our college in the side mirror disappearing from view. 'I thought we were going to the campus' I turned to Marcus questioningly . " You're fine. I expected you to take longer than you did to finally calm down." his arm was resting on the open window his head laying  in his palm, his hair blowing back away from his face. He had a bored expression. far from the sweet and relaxed one he had on earlier.

I blinked a few times and slightly fidgeted under the sudden silence that fell over the car. I wanted to say something but what am i supposed to say to him? Almost as if he was reading my mind he spoke up and broke the silence. " Put the Disc in. You wanted to listen to it right?" The disc he took? well yeah,I did but, I thought I made him mad by taking it. " No, it's okay." i shook my head and lowered my head so my hair covered my eyes. I tightened up attempting to make myself smaller than what I was. I heard him snicker and he picked up the disc. He opened up it's case and popped the cd out gently closing the case with three fingers and keeping the cd safely secured in his middle and first finger. I watched as he pushed the cd into the player.

The radio adjusted to the cd and began to play Justin's song mirror through the speakers. I smiled and quietly hummed to the sweet melody. I bobbed my head side to side in time with the music and looked back out to the bustling streets. I stayed silent and allowed the music to play. I couldn't find the courage to actually speak to him so we just sat in silence. i would glance at him from time to time and i could feel his eyes burning a hole when i wasn't looking, but that was it. I was still embarrassed from my pictures that he'd seen and... the hug.. but he seemed to no care for any of those encounters. The more i thought about it the more the memories of middle school came back. Was he just toying with me like before? was all of this 'Nice Act' just a ploy to bully me again. I felt my stomach tie up in knotts and I wanted to jump out of the car to save myself from pain. but the thought of burns and opened wounds didn't sound like a good idea either.

I wanted to know where we were going so I at least knew how far I had to run to get away if I had to run. I looked at marcus one more time and cleared my throat to ask. " m-Marcus.." I called some what confidently.  He raised a brow and slowly looked at me from the corner of his eye. I tried to puff my chest out and ask as loudly and confident as i could but it wound up coming out like a small child asking for some candy. " w-where are we going?" I felt my cheeks heat up and i turned away out of embarrassment. I heard a small grunt and he replied in an annoyed tone. "Tota" was all he said. The car went silent again and my eyes began to widen. Tota? that's like 2 hours away! wasn't he supposed to be at the school 45 minutes ago? and that's a much further run then what i would like to do.  I felt myself slightly tremble in the fear of having to get beaten up hours away from home. I guess he noticed my panic because he placed his hand on my head and rustled my hair in an act to calm me. i closed my eyes and welcomed his touch completely, it was warm it was gentle, but that still didn't stop the fact that i was worried out of my mind. " I won't let anything happen to you. Besides, The guys don't mind having you around." he said as he pulled his hand away. I hadn't realised how warm i was until he pulled away. My head felt like cold wind was blowing on a snowy day when he moved away. The whole car seemed like it had snow thrown on it. I shivered a bit, but i didn't want to trouble him anymore then what i already had. I scooted into the seat more to try and keep my own body heat inside of me. but that didn't help. Maybe a nap then? i mean when I'm asleep i dont feel the cold as much.

I looked over to marcus once more before turning on my side away from him trying to get closer to the sun tat shined brightly through the window. " taking a nap?" " Yeah, I didn't really sleep well last night anyway." i heard a small grunt as i settled myself into the seat and gently closed my eyes. maybe it wont be so bad. Or at least i hope. his words replayed in my head. ' i wont let anything happen to you' he use to say that when we were kids. Part of me doesn't want to trust him but.. what else can i do? I'm stuck with him and it's a two hour drive back. i'll just go along for now but if i don't like what's going on i'll take the bus back. I listened to the last bit of Justin's true blood as i dozed off to sleep.

Alright listen up kiddies, College is coming for me so ive been busy as CAT BALLS trying to update then yeah excuse after excuse i know im sorry but i will do my best to keep up ok let me know what you think this somewhat 'short chapter' was slow but the next one should be out tomorrow night i PROMISE if not i will give you my address and you can slap me.... maybe O.o..... some of you might  but yeah nxt chapter will be longer and will be ouyt tomorrow k my lovlies i apologize!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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