in black whale

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POV Leorio 

(After the call from Killua)

 "Man, I hope Killua is okay. Hey Leorio, who were you talking to?" Gon asked as he entered the room where only Leorio was present.

"I was talking to Killua," I replied.

"With Killua? How is he? Where is he?" Gon asked anxiously.

"He's fine," I reassured him. "He's with Alluka in Tokyo, everything's okay."

"Oh, I wish he could join us on our way to the Dark Continent. Then we could have adventures like before. But it's my fault," Gon said sadly.

"Gon, it's not your fault."

"But I said mean things to him that I didn't mean. No wonder he doesn't want to go on adventures with me anymore, after all that's happened," Gon lamented.

"Well, I only heard that you said those things to Killua. You two were always a great team."

"Yeah, but Killua was always there for me, pulling me out of trouble when I did stupid things. Like when I couldn't control myself and tried to attack the enemy that took Kite's arm. Even though Kite told me to leave, I didn't listen. Killua knocked me out and saved me, keeping me away from danger," Gon said, tears welling up.

"Come on, Gon, you're still good friends. Even if I believe Killua is still by your side," I comforted him, embracing him as he stopped crying.

BOOM "What was that!?" I exclaimed.

"I don't know, let's go check," Gon said, running off somewhere.

"Wait, Gon!" I followed Gon, who was looking out the window. "Do you see anything?"

"Yeah, there are flying creatures that are green," Gon replied.

At that moment, Kite (in her female form), Bisky, and Kurapika arrived.

"Did you hear that?" Kurapika asked.

"Yeah, something's flying," Leorio confirmed.

"They could be Chimera Ants that mutated into giant flying creatures," Gon speculated.

"We have to hope they don't attack us," Kite remarked.

"Too late," Gon said. "They're flying over the Black Whale. They're above us."

Gon started running upstairs. "Wait, Gon, it's too dangerous," Bisky cautioned.

"Gon, stop, this is madness," I pleaded, following him as he slowly climbed out the window and climbed up.

"Oh man, Gon, you're crazy!"

"Oh man, Gon, you're crazy!"


I stood at the top of the Black Whale, and there were many insects flying around on the ship. I took out my fishing rod from my backpack and shooed them away. Looking up again, they were gone. But up there, I saw a whole swarm circling something. Then it started raining harder, and I decided to go back inside before slipping. "Gon, are you crazy? That's really dangerous," Leorio said to me. "Sorry, but those things are chasing something," I replied. I glanced out the window again, seeing what looked like flashes of lightning battling against those creatures. BOOM "What the hell is that?" Morel exclaimed from behind, looking out the window as well. It was indeed a strong lightning strike, but in the distance, I saw a person falling down. "Hey, there's a person falling," I said, panicked. "Where? I don't see— oh, there really is one," Leorio confirmed. I ran to inform the rescue team about it. "What? A person?" one of the rescue team members asked. "Yes! Maybe it's one of ours," someone suggested. They rushed to the scene and jumped into the sea. Maybe I should go with them. "Absolutely not, Gon," Ging said, and Kite stood behind him. "Okay," I said, feeling sad, and watched from the window.

1 hour later

"We're here," said the rescue team. I approached them to see who it was. Everyone else had already gathered there, and it was indeed a person. "Oh my god," one of them exclaimed. "Palm, Bisky, what's wrong?" I asked, but they only made fearful faces. As I got closer, I could finally see who it was. White hair, short blue pants, white shirt. "K-Killua," Knuckle said behind me. "Killua? What happened to him!?" Gon exclaimed, but Leorio calmed me down. "No, Killua is injured, his arm is covered in blood!" I exclaimed. "Quick, he needs to go to the hospital," one of the doctors said. "Killua? Where did he come from all of a sudden?" Kurapika asked. "Killua, please wake up," I whispered.

10 hours later

Killua POV

My vision was completely blurry; I could barely see anything. All I felt was pain in my arm. Suddenly, I found myself in a room, the room was white, and I could hear people talking in the background. "Hey, he's awake!" exclaimed a girl with green hair. She looked like a dog.

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