Biggest news spread like wildfire. 3 biggest mechas highly advanced than IS shows up out of knowhere. Biggest shock reveal that houki is a former gundam pilot herself under unknown circumstances before she became a IS ace that rules all infinite stratos mechs.
Her longtime boyfriend is in the infirmary resting. Gundams are moved to the hangers outside where they stored them inside laying back first. Their guns are so big they have to be stored on flatbed trucks.
Houki showed chifuyu maya she had hers in secret. Amuro & banagher are with them. They got brief about this world their first impression is well.... there not looking happy.
She unlocked the door to the hanger not far from is academy. She turned on the lights revealing another gundam.
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maya: its just like the other one😱
Chifuyu: i don't believe it. So you're-
Houki: wasn't my benefit. They gave it to me. Since char's rebellion i was in the background
Amuro: lets leave it at that mrs orimura
Chifuyu: now the world knows now. I can't guarantee you're safety. I must ask you 3. Can you help us?
It was a test flight gone wrong. They have other things to worry about. But they can't do anything other than adapt to learn of this universe good or bad. They can learn it from crimson herself.
Lex amuro & banagher will become teachers. They have a feeling others on lex's squadron will come. Chifuyu Houki lex amuro & banagher will start teaching on the day ichika arrives.
Lex wakes up. He's back at is academy. Houki walks in wearing the same oufit chifuyu wears for teachings. She has her sword with her.
Houki: lex kun!
Lex: hey houki..... houki!?. (Closed his eyes) ...... HOUKI!? (opened his eyes)
She tackled her childhood friend/boyfriend bone crushing bear hug. Kissing his face crying tears of joy.
His face half covered lipstick.
lex: good grief you're big & gotten muscle on yeah. What do you do?. Head for a gym or somethin?
She laughed in response
Houki: you silly you know that
She gave him a handkerchief he wiped away the lipstick. She smiled at him
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Amuro & banagher came in fill in what's gonna happened. He jaw dropped.
Amuro: easy sarge. Will do some military drills
Banagher: like you know bootcamp stuff. I heard its popular since before the Vietnam War started
Houki: 🤨?
Lex: really i'm in
Banagher: what you just did on you're gundam is the same thing that happened to rita only except you didn't die
Houki: you mean
Then they looked at lex houki gets this shocked & horrified look on her face.
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Lex is smiling. It's been ages since he has the look of a drill sargent.
To be continued:
App acting up lost half of my stuff on this chapter.