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(A/N: this is probably going to seem very jumpy however just outlining key things that lead up to the present, there will also be a lot of flashbacks to 1912-1914)

(A/N: this is probably going to seem very jumpy however just outlining key things that lead up to the present, there will also be a lot of flashbacks to 1912-1914)

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Mystic Falls, 2010

"I WOULDNT GO LOOKING FOR SWEET OPHELIA IN THE DOWAGER FAULINE COTTAGE, BROTHER." Klaus taunted at his younger brother as he made a move to leave the hybrids home. He was undaggered now, he could finally free her and the two of them could disappear. 

Kol stopped abruptly, turning on his heel, "And why is that, Nik?" His eyes narrowed.

"Because I heard that she was able to break through the magic and escape," Klaus paused, "Pity it was the same day that Mikael rained upon New Orleans like hellfire."

Kol took a step closer to his brother, "What. Did. You. Do?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I may have compelled every living being I came across as I fled that city to tell the monsterous man that was terrorising the French quarter that the way to the Mikaelsons was through Ophelia Lenox." Klaus said smugly, "and if by some miracle she evaded Mikael, old age definitely would've killed her. It's been 90 years, brother. Welcome back."

Kol saw red.


Every moment after that, Kol spent trying to gain information on Ophelia— more so, what happened to her

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Every moment after that, Kol spent trying to gain information on Ophelia— more so, what happened to her. He didn't want to admit defeat, he knew deep down that she had obviously succumbed to Mikael's rage at his family. If she had gotten away, he wanted to know how she lived out the rest of her days— but he was coming up empty. He could not find one single thing about Ophelia Lenox after he was daggered. It was driving him insane.

With the unknown about Ophelia combined with the residents of Mystic Falls wanting to raise Silas, Kol was almost losing touch with reality. One might say the combination of the two was what caused him to die at the hands of Jeremy Gilbert— but with dying, came a bittersweet reunion, the last thing he saw was Ophelia Lenox.

ABSENT ¥ KOL MIKAELSON Where stories live. Discover now