Search for the Golden Arch, Part 1

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On the Earth left behind by humanity, remainers had little reason to keep track of specific days. Due to their computerized brains, they always knew exactly what month and day it was (though they often deliberately omitted the year for their own mental well-being), but it was little more than a counter for them. They had no need nor time for special occasions, and none of them had celebrated their birthday in centuries.

There was one exception: the little celebration the remainers all decided to hold at the end of the year. It would be the one time they would allow themselves to let loose and celebrate the work they'd done. It was almost entirely an excuse to indulge what was left of their humanity, and while there were severe limitations to how exactly they could celebrate, they were still determined to have as much fun as they could.

This celebration was in fact the next destination for Caleb and Hope. They had come straight from Alaska, and they were intending on doing more work, but when Caleb realized what day it was, he insisted on taking Hope there instead. Hope had disagreed, but it was clear that Caleb was not going to take no for an answer.

"Will we even make it in time?" Hope sighed as she trudged through mud dampened by the newly melted snow. "It'll be three more days before we can even make it back to headquarters."

"We'll be fine," Caleb replied. "Remainers have to make their way from all over the world to attend this celebration. If we only held it for a day, way too many people would miss out. The party lasts for at least a week, and sometimes it even goes on for longer."

"Longer than a week?" An uncomfortable grimace spread across Hope's face. "I can't imagine they'd genuinely slack off for so long."

"Well, people come and go, so it's not like you have to stay for the whole thing. We're probably only going to be there for a day ourselves."

"Thank god," Hope groaned in relief. "We've done nothing but walk ever since we left Alaska. I'd like to do some work so Computer doesn't think I was a waste of time."

Caleb smiled wryly. "Well, at least give the party a chance. You'll probably be meeting a lot of remainers there for the first time. You could learn a lot from them."

"I've already got all the necessary knowledge loaded into my brain," Hope retorted. "What else do I have to learn?"

"I enjoy talking to them," Caleb said. "They've got a lot of fun stories about the past, you know."

Hope seemed to have a sarcastic reply prepared, but to his surprise she kept her lips shut. That was good. It was a sign that she was coming to understand basic decorum.

Their journey continued for a few more days until they finally arrived at headquarters. The party itself was being held in a clearing a short distance away from the building, and since Caleb and Hope arrived one or two days after the beginning of the new year, celebrations were already underway. There were all sorts of tables and chairs placed around the area, and what could have been more than a hundred remainers were scattered about chatting and generally enjoying themselves.

"There's so many people here," Hope said with a bit of awe in her voice. "I didn't think so many of the remainers would get so excited over a celebration."

"Remainers can still feel mental fatigue, after all. Even you have to admit you get exhausted every now and then, right?"

"Hmph." Hope didn't respond to his prodding, but the lack of a concrete denial told Caleb that he'd hit the mark. He turned his attention to the crowd of remainers and looked for people he recognized. As he did, another remainer came up from behind and gave him a tap on the shoulder. Caleb turned around to see a large man with a bushy mustache giving him a hearty grin. His clothes were surprisingly clean and his face was well-groomed, considering his occupation.

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