Chapter - 2

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Two week later
Jungkook receives a call from Seokjin. He immediately picks the call and says, "Hello Hyung."
Seokjin says excitedly, "Jungkook you got the role. I just now received the email from the film crew."
Hearing this Jungkook jumps excitedly and says, "I am so happy Hyung."
Seokjin says, "Me too. Now you have to work really hard."
Jungkook says, "Of course Hyung."
Seokjin says, "I will send you the movie script as soon as possible."
Jungkook says, "Ok Hyung."

Jungkook was jumping in happiness when Taehyung entered the room.
Jungkook immediately hugs the male and says, "I am so happy Hyungie."
Taehyung chuckles softly and asks, "And can I know the reason behind your happiness?"
Jungkook says excitedly, "I am happy because I got selected for the role. Hyung! It will be the first ever movie in which I am going to perform such a big role. I will become a famous actor one day. I will give my 100% to complete my dream."
Taehyung softly caresses his cheek and says, "Of course you will. Hyungie will always support you."
Jungkook smiles widely and says, "You are the best Hyung."
Taehyung says, "Now stop buttering me you bunny and go to sleep. It's already very late."
Jungkook glares at Taehyung for calling him bunny and goes to bed.

Taehyung smiles looking at him. He is happy because finally after two weeks Jungkook is completely comfortable with him. They are more like friends now.
Taehyung also went to bed and slept beside Jungkook.

Next day
Today is the opening party of the movie. Jungkook also reached there.
Jungkook came to know that Hee-jin and Soo-young are also going to be a part of the movie. But he doesn't have any scenes with them about which he is really grateful.
The main actress of the movie is Kim Eunji and the main actor is Choi Minho.
Seokjin says, "You have many scenes in the movie with Eunji and Minho. So go and greet them otherwise it will be awkward later."
Jungkook was reluctant to approach Eunji after what happened in the pub. But still he decides to follow what Seokjin said and goes to greet them.
Eunji was looking at Jungkook with narrow eyes. She feels as if she had seen him somewhere. But she can't remember properly.
Hee-jin observes that Eunji is looking at Jungkook. She fumes in anger thinking that Eunji is interested in Jungkook.

Everyone was enjoying the party. They were even slightly drunk. Jungkook went towards the washroom but Hee-jin stopped him as he was coming back. Hee-jin looks at Jungkook from top to bottom. He was looking really different. Don't know what changed within just two weeks but he was looking really handsome and attractive. His clothes are also looking expensive. She says, "You should leave this production team."
Jungkook looks at her as if she is the biggest fool and says, "Why should I leave? If you have any problems then you are free to leave."
Hee-jin huffs angrily and says, "Just stay stubborn. But stay away from Eunji. Don't try to trap her with your charms. Do you even know who Kim Eunji is? How can you even think that she will be interested in a man like you?"

Jungkook looks at her sharply and says, "What nonsense are you speaking? You and your both siblings are like this that doesn't mean everyone is also like you, characterless."
Hee-jin was about to say something when Soo-young came there. She asks, "What happened, Hee-jin?"
Hee-jin says, "Nothing. As his elder sister I was just trying to make him understand that he should stay away from Eunji for his own betterment. But when he listens to us. He is trying to attract Eunji towards himself."
Soo-young gasps and says, "Jungkook do you even know who Eunji is? She is not only a top actress but also a member of the Kim family. Maybe you don't know. But you should stay away from every member of the Kim family."
Jungkook rolls his eyes and says, "If your lecture is over then I would like to leave."
Saying that he left from there. But how can Hee-jin and Soo-young leave him this easily. They also follow him outside.

Soo-young says while holding Jungkook's hand, "Jungkook I am not joking. If there is a family in this country whom no one wants to mess with is Kim's family. Eunji is the youngest daughter of the same family."
Jungkook jerks her hand and asks, "And what if I had already messed with them? What can you do about it?"
Soo-young gasps and says, "It may be somewhat fine if you mess with Eunji. But her eldest brother, Kim Namjoon is president of the country and her second  elder brother who is a mysterious business tycoon are two people with whom you should never mess. Especially with the mysterious Kim. They both are involved in such works about which you can't even imagine. So it would be better if you stay away from Kim's."

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